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All about creating drum map for use in Emagic's Logic, this same technique allows you to create step-sequencing HYPER-EDIT setups for super drum and controller inputting and creative works !

OK, in Logic you will read about creating a 'Mapped-Instrument', and how to set it up for drums... You might get the feeling that Logic's answer to drums is that it has a keyboard piano-roll with keys marked as drum_names like in cakewalk... now you can do that, but there is a far better way to setup your drum editing and step-time inputting in Logic whether using a drum-box or sampler.. in any situation where you want access to create & edit patterns in a step-sequencer way... drums or otherwise...

To do this first be familiar with screensets cos it'll save us time....

choose a number-key above the QWERTY keys on your PC keyboard... say number_2, cos that is right next to number_1, and putting our 'drum_edit' on 2 next to main arrange on number_1 is ok... the default arrange-page view we see when we start Logic is defaulted to Key number_1.

ok... so click key Number_2, just above Q & W.... you'll see some other window/s appear.... now close windows on screen, and open menu: WINDOW / OPEN-HYPER... a WINDOW appears, WITH THE CHAINLINK ICON and the WALKING MAN icon in the top-left as all the windows have... Click and activate the CHAINLINK icon to it's darkest, second level colour & put Mr_man on green..... That's it !!

.... now above the QWERTY keys, click key number_1... hey-presto... Arrange window opens.... Press key number_2... hey-presto, HYPER edit window is there... choose another key number, setup the screens (windows) to your liking, and that sets THAT window setup to THAT key number on your PC keyboard !!...

Ok, we now have our Arrange-window on key_Number_1... and our HYPER-edit window on Key_number_2... great!.... flip between the number-keys.. it's THAT easy to switch edit windows, and as long as the CHAIN-LINK & WALKING-MAN icon's are linked ON, then your edit windows can be opened at a flick of the PC keyboard, and they will link having the correct content inside the window according the position and settings of the other windows.....

just select a Keyboard number, 1 to 0 ... arrange the windows setup & type that you want... and it is saved to that key...

You might think then i've got 9 available screensets, cos i've got keys 1 to 0 only...that's 9 choices... Above key '0', fast double-clicking the Key-number ... like fast double-click '1', gives you screenset '11' - click 1 & 2 fast and you've got '12'.... etc....

if you need more than 10, that's the way to get 'em .... ok... tutorial over... we have two screens now.. our arrange screen on key_1, and on key_2, our HYPER-Edit screen..


and that HYPER-EDIT... looks like this when you first open it....

It's the basic HYPER edit window defaulted to MIDI CONTROLS, (circled in red)

At this point, if you are using a GM drum device, you can hold the mouse & click over the MIDI CONTROLS legend (circled), and select GM DRUM KIT instead from the list of two.. this takes you straight to a ready to go GM kit...... which looks like this...

ok, but we want to create a custom map. plus u can use these tips to customise the GM DRUM KIT preset - Another good thing is you do alot more than drum notes with this drum HYPER map... ok...


OK... let's say we have our drumbox, or sampler with a list of the drum sounds/samples and their corresponding note numbers... The GM map is useful, but we can make our own or customise... so let's do one from scratch...

first we create a hyperset... Simply select menu HYPER, and then 'Create hyper set' as in the image here...

The hyperset created, defaults to the name: Set Initialised.... it creates one default 'row' or 'slot', defaulted on this version to:

  • NUMBER = 7

Now we need to start by creating all our basic drums for our drum-box, or sampler drums mapped in the sampler... so right NOW... you need the list of your drum sounds in the sampler... and let's say for the sake of arguement we are having the drums in the sampler on MIDI channel_10

Ok... so we set the channel to 10.... change the Status = CONTROL to NOTE - and we set the NOTE NUMBER... For the newbies, you want to create a new 'row' each time, name it according to sound, and set it's note-number to the samplers map note-number which holds the appropriate sample... simple as that... we set the channel, Status = NOTE, and the note number.... you can see here i've created a few drums for my map.... and in the image there's the place to double-click and re-name the created 'row', in this case to : OPEN HAT

The easiest way to add another 'row' is simply to double-click in the blank space under the last name in the list, and a new 'row' appears with the default name of the last 'row' above it... so, if we named the first 'row' kik_909, then the next created row would be called the same... Notice also in there is a row entitled 'snare filter'....

if we change the Status = NOTE to CONTROL again, and select a controller-number, and set the channel, then we can add filter or other MIDI controller moved on a 'Per-Step' basis along with our drums....

You can easily create all kinds of wacky stuff incorporating controller moves with your drum patters.... just input the moves with the pencil after setting the QUANTISE, (which seems to defaults to 16th's)... The HEIGHT of each added note is the value for the inputted Controller-Number, with a linked read-out...

Here you can see the pencil is applied to the 3rd controller move across, and it is dragging controller-number 74 to a height/value of 90...

All the parameters appear on the upper control-bar of the window when you are drawing in or editing these Note or in this case Controller inputs....

  1. A - TIME position of event
  2. B - STATUS - type of event... note, controller etc
  3. C - MIDI Channel
  4. D - CONTROLLER-Number... (or NOTE-number if STATUS is 'NOTE')
  5. E - the value, in this case 90

That's pretty much the basic's and enuff to create a map given the idea....

obviously you CAN create 'rows' in the HYPER edit to simply represent NOTES of an arp-pattern, you could have 3 or 4 notes, some controller rows, and create pitched melodic patterns with controller moves alongside using this technique... AND, like say with a step-based s/w sequencer like SEQ-303, you CAN create patterns and input control moves within those patterns per-step with the notes.... works good like that...

Alternatively... if you don't want to input actual NOTES in HYPER-edit, but DID want to create step-edited controller moves over the top of patterns, then...

  • Compose the notes part of the pattern in the normal Piano-roll style 'MATRIX-EDIT'
  • Hightlight the music/pattern-part you want to add control to, and open the HYPER-edit window
  • Create a new controller 'row', as above, and patterns you compose there with controller moves drawn in, per-step with the pencil will tweak the actual note pattern you composed in the MATRIX-EDIT.

just make sure the Controller 'rows' you create are set to the right channel & control-number you require...

Also, make sure the CHAIN-LINK ICON is on in the ARRANGE & HYPER edit windows so that as you go into HYPER-EDIT, you are linking to the right PART to edit... that LINK ... links the windows...

Also... don't forget, the LAST control move the sequencer reads as it chugs along will be the base setting for how it will sound from that point until it receives another controller command further down the line... so if you create moves over a pattern, remember the controller might need a tweak at the very last step to set it for the next part of the music....

also.... to create sweeps and crescendo's with ease, ... use the tool that looks like a CROSS-HAIR.... put it on the point you want to draw from, at the level you want to start at, and click... you now have a wire attached to the mouse.. like vector-graphic's.... take it to the point you want to reach, and click...

it draws a series of the given controller at the resolution set in the QUANTISE setting on the left-sided panel...

Yes !!... you can have a TOTALLY different quantise setting for each controller or naote in this map !!....

Yes !!... you can arrange sounds/drums in a map with controller step-time sequencing right alongside...


  • say you have a Kik on C_1... and a snare on D_1... and a hat on F#_1....
  • you want in your map to have a snare with it's filter underneath so you can create NOTE crescendo's and filter sweeps to go-with..
  • you need to access the part of your sampler where you assign the filter
  • on most samplers, you define a keyrange in a programme/preset, and then set it's parameters...
  • in that case, set the key-range for the snare ONLY, as: LO_Note = D_1 - to - HI_Note = D_1
  • Then make your filter settings for that single key/note-range - (the snare's key/note)
  • This makes your sample_map only respond to filter moves on note D_1... the snare - (although yes, there's nothing wrong with filtering the whole kit... whatever
  • some sampler can.. some can't.. most can...

The alternative to that... or ... if your sampler only allows filter control for an entire preset/programme over it's entire keymap lowest to highest note.... The alternative then, is to put the drums you want to mess with on a different sampler preset/programme & MIDI-channel number... Then adjust those notes/drum_name 'rows' in HYPER_EDIT so that their MIDI CHANNEL setting is altered to suit.... same for any controllers in the map.... you get the idea tho... experiment...

If you found this tutorial or article useful, please leave some comments below & also please subscribe to our Youtube channel & don't forget to switch on Notifications so you don't miss our new videos! - Thanks!

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Articles / Software

Added: 12 May 2000

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k, you must be smeggin psychic or summit!

Nikos Tsaknis


Weblink: -

are there any download sites with different ready drumpatterns/rythems?

petri hoskonen



i red this article about drum-maps on
logic. I got just one simple question.

How i can do drumsets fast , like
naming..? or do i have to everytime ,
write patch names again and again.

im planning to make every program
on my Alesis DM Pro to logic as

Is there downloadable drumsets on
internet. I have looked , but no luck




in this program, you can make steps for the game the prex3?

Adrian Delso


Great article, thanks. I have a Boss DR-670, with
several banks/programs of drum sounds. Any ideas
how I might set up Hyper Edit, so that I can pick
and choose from the banks/programs for my drum
map, please?







its good please send me the manual of how to use the soft ware



De la manera mas atenta les pido porfavor que si me pueden mandar el stepedit para poder hacer unas modificaciones a mi prex 3 si me la pasan yo les puedo pasar el prex 3 o el exceed les dejo aqu mi correo que es



its very good programm, please send me the manual for Germany Languge (deutsch)of how to use the soft ware. and some any midi file.
Thank you

James Elder


Will Logic Audio work with an Alesis SR-16 drum machine? Can the song data be loaded and modified in Logic from the SR-16?




De la manera mas atenta les pido porfavor que si me pueden mandar el stepedit para poder hacer unas modificaciones a mi prex 3 si me la pasan yo les puedo pasar el prex 3 o el exceed les dejo aqu mi correo que es



Weblink: free-sex-video

Its very good programm, please send me the manual for Ivrit Languge.Thank you



Weblink: free-ringtone

i red this article about drum-maps on logic. I got just one simple question.

Luke Dykes


Weblink: ??

Hi - excuse the silly question!

In the matrix edit window, I have no vertical bars to assit me with the correct placement of the sample/midi bit thingo (when i right click).

I have seen this on my friends versions of Logic and it's annoying to not have it, and I can't find the setting to bring these up!!


I hope you can help,





hahaha omg this is so old and outdated why is this even up on the web this is from 2000 guys this is when
logic was still in development for windows

Last added comment



well this is the danger of trying to post smart comments - 1. actualy the principal of this article is pretty much exactly the same in logic 8 today - the hyperedit still works the same in Logic 8, and it's an area few noobs use (i've seen students in colleges on logic courses not using it or being taught to use it) - Hyperedit still does the same stuff, the abilty to run controllers alongside individual drum rows still stands, the ability to create custom hypermaps etc is all still the same.

oh and this article was first added to the site in 2000, so try and read the date next time dimwit.

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