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last ever question.....................

last ever question.....................
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08-May-06 @ 04:35 PM
Posts: 1,128
Right then, its taken 6 years to learn all the music theory, choose the right VST's, buy the right hardware, build the studio (acoustically treated now!!!), learn production, learn to mix and find a singer! Hence my last ever question before I 'll actually be happy to post a track on DT!!!!!....Here goes…….

I run 24 soundcard outputs down my Mackie desk but cannot get my head round this whole stereo/mono thing. I know bass and kicks should be in mono etc but how am I supposed to configure my analogue desk in relation to using Logic?

The 2 options I have tried are:-

1. Routing a stereo instrument track through a mono bus then hard panning that bus so the signal only comes out of one of my sound card outputs. I have set up every part (individual drums, bass, keys, guitars) using this method apart from pads and strings which I have kept stereo. This method sounds OK although I do lose quite a bit of volume by routing the signals to a bus and the having each individual element down a single channel on my Mackie and even tough I’m using outboard verbs down stereo channels this I don’t get a particularly “BIG” sound.

2. The second option I have tried after seeing a producer using it on the Future Music Magazine DVD “In the studio series” is to have stereo instruments routed straight out of my soundcards down a stereo pair on the desk. So my IMPoscar VST plays a bass line from a stereo instrument straight out (no bus) say channels 5&6 on the Mackie. Now am I supposed to hard pan the Mackie pots hard left and right or leave them both at 12 oclock. I couldn’t make this out on the DVD. Or should I route the bass instrument through a mono bus but have this mono signal coming down a pair of channels on the desk and leave the pots centred. People have always said that bass should be in mono together with a mono kick. Having all my VST instruments coming down the desk as stereo pairs does make my mixes sound “BIGGER” but is this the correct way to use Logic with an analogue desk. I always thought stuff like Electric pianos are s’possed to be heard as mono – the same with guitars.

I know I need to use my ears and as said the second method gives me a bigger sound but I have to use 2 Mackie channels per instrument (EQing 2 channels for my kick drum seems wrong on an analogue desk) and should I be making my busses in Logic mono for stuff like bass and kick even though this mono bus still takes up 2 Mackie channels and then still hard panning the pots on the Mackie?

Cheers for reading this as I appreciate its not the most well written post.

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