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ambient house?

ambient house?
O/P Message 1/10
22-Mar-01 @ 08:12 PM
Posts: 646
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check it out. in my tracks: Lucid(DT edit). i dunno where im going with this, but I liked it. had to edit off all the intro/exit to keep it small enough to fit here. couldnt wait for there taking weeks. in comparisson to the wav file everything sounds pretty good other than the bassdrum and the rain, but they get screwed up even encoded at 128kbit, but not quite this much...

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RE: ambient house?
Message 2/10
22-Mar-01 @ 08:34 PM
Defector Z
Posts: 0
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Like the track. I miss those 40 seconds though - the atmosphere of the track was great. I was wondering if you played the mandolin, but after reading the track notes, I saw it's your alphajuno. Very cool. Going to listen to more of your stuff now...

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RE: ambient house?
Message 3/10
24-Mar-01 @ 03:24 AM
Posts: 646
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if you want the longer, high quality version where you can actualy hear the detail, check my site in about a week, it should be up by then...

I just uploaded a raw version of the track im working on now, I came up with this unbaleveable(well, in my opinion) plucked string sound with my uQ and played it out yesterday morning. If i hadnt programed the patch myself i wouldve thought it was a sample of a guitar or something. Dunno if im actually gonna finish it though.

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RE: ambient house?
Message 4/10
24-Mar-01 @ 03:51 AM
Posts: 3,872
That is REAL nice. Thanks dude. Touches something deep inside. Not to say that this is where your track "should" go, or even what I would prefer, but I could hear after 4-6+ minutes an Underworld type drum thing coming in. Not changing what you have at all when the drums come in. Just the drums coming in. I guess that would be one remix.

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RE: ambient house?
Message 5/10
24-Mar-01 @ 03:51 AM
Posts: 3,872
Oops. Talking about Lucid.

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RE: ambient house?
Message 6/10
24-Mar-01 @ 04:19 AM
Posts: 646
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underworld? *never* listened to them :-)

but i have been meaning to for a while... so whats this 'underworld type drum thing' ?

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RE: ambient house?
Message 7/10
24-Mar-01 @ 05:25 AM
Posts: 261
Link: Link
It's definately ambient... there was a lot of stuff
like this around in the big chill-out-music days.
Some stuff like this on the older Chill out or
Die compilations. It's beautiful by the way...

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RE: ambient house?
Message 8/10
24-Mar-01 @ 02:55 PM
Posts: 3,872
Pick up "Beaucoup Fish" or "Pearls Girl". Their drums are very full and driving while at the same time having a soothing quality.

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RE: ambient house?
Message 9/10
25-Mar-01 @ 04:36 AM
Posts: 646
Link: Link
Lucid is now up on my page right at the top where you cant miss it.

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RE: ambient house?
Message 10/10
26-Mar-01 @ 03:17 PM
Defector Z
Posts: 0
Link: Link
Ah, Good Fish. What a GREAT album. Love it - Pearl's Girl I didn't like though. So Underworld is ambient house?

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