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Finally! another track from aaron!


Finally! another track from aaron!
O/P Message 1/19
18-Mar-01 @ 03:10 PM
Posts: 275
Link: Link
Check it out.. it's under my profile, entittled "North" i am interested as to what everybody thinks

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RE: Finally! another track from aaron!
Message 2/19
18-Mar-01 @ 05:07 PM
Posts: 59
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RE: Finally! another track from aaron!
Message 3/19
18-Mar-01 @ 08:19 PM
Posts: 275
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anything specific? any tips or suggestions for next time?

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RE: Finally! another track from aaron!
Message 4/19
19-Mar-01 @ 03:10 AM
Posts: 261
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Sounds good aaron, I'd modulate that higher bell sound a bit, but that's just me... it's a bit GM if you know what I mean... i have yet to figger out how to post a song...



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RE: Finally! another track from aaron!
Message 5/19
19-Mar-01 @ 07:21 AM
Posts: 59
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The only specific criticism I have is to say that if it was my track I'd make it longer but there's no reason a track has to be over 3 or 4 minutes long. The melody was in my head all afternoon yesterday by the way  

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RE: Finally! another track from aaron!
Message 6/19
19-Mar-01 @ 07:28 PM
Defector Z
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Aaron - I listened to your track and I have to be honest with you, this sounds like a step for you. I say that only because I know the stuff that you have created before, and all of those SAID something to me. They gave us a sense of where you are, and this track seems to lack that. The production seemed a little bland, and the voice choices sounded very conservative for you. What's up?

There isn't anything _wrong_ with it - just seems like not you. Your previous work challenged me and engaged me as a listener - this one doesn't do that. What were you after with this one? Trying to break down walls that you've built around you? (I do that every once in a while - I'll write something completely different from a normal Darin song just to reorientate myself creatively, that's why I ask.)

What's up man? For many people, this would be a good track. But for you I am a little disappointed.

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RE: Finally! another track from aaron!
Message 7/19
20-Mar-01 @ 11:49 AM
Posts: 275
Link: Link
i wanted to write a song that would be fun to dance to.. and that was pretty happy, too ;) yea.. i will think about modulating the high end caspar. yea, the song really didnt have a point except to be fun. music for to the dancing, not for to the art   i have been having a horrible writing spell these past few months.. (maybe it corresponds to not having gotten laid in 5 mos?) anyway... yea.. darin, i still got to send you some cash.. could you email me your address and the cost of your cd?

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RE: Finally! another track from aaron!
Message 8/19
20-Mar-01 @ 03:45 PM
Posts: 130
maybe if you phase the hi hats ;)

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RE: Finally! another track from aaron!
Message 9/19
20-Mar-01 @ 05:10 PM
Defector Z
Posts: 0
Link: Link
Yeah - definitely put some SERIOUS phase on those hats. And pan them hard as well. ;-)

Okay - I feel better. Like I said, it's not a bad song and good for most people, but definitely something much different than I was expecting.

I hear you about the writing dryspell, although a sexual dryspell like that would HELP me write more stuff - I'd be angrier. And anger is a good emotion to write music with. heh-heh. Being married is a good thing. Dry spells are infrequent, and generally short. Like a week.

What you need to do is go out and plop some money on the table and get yourself a new synth of some sort. Since the Kurz arrived, I've been on a writing binge. Track after track. most of them garbage, but the one from Saturday and last night are keepers. Heh-heh. The one from last night is called Xoxos cuz he supplied the smaples. Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh booooooyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!

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RE: Finally! another track from aaron!
Message 10/19
20-Mar-01 @ 05:40 PM
Posts: 1,345
good, but I liked the old stuff better, more personal. But dZ said it all already so i'll shut up  

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