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Only a minute 37 seconds but


Only a minute 37 seconds but
O/P Message 1/20
24-Mar-01 @ 01:27 AM
Posts: 3,872
Just to see if I could get it right I posted the first minute 37 seconds of a track. Took 3 tries. Listen if you like. Middle Eastern Flava.

Oh and listen to Belly Dance Girl 3. Thanks

K, how do I delete tracks?

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RE: Only a minute 37 seconds but
Message 2/20
24-Mar-01 @ 02:23 AM
Posts: 646
Link: Link
nice. why only the first 1:37? sounded like it was really getting good right before it cut off.

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RE: Only a minute 37 seconds but
Message 3/20
24-Mar-01 @ 03:38 AM
Posts: 3,872
That's the way I like it. No really it goes on from there. Have to stick some vocals in but I wanted to try to upload. Thanks for listening amigo.

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RE: Only a minute 37 seconds but
Message 4/20
24-Mar-01 @ 04:28 AM
Defector Z
Posts: 0
Link: Link
I don't konw what you're on about Sitar, but that was pretty fuckin' cool.

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RE: Only a minute 37 seconds but
Message 5/20
24-Mar-01 @ 05:21 AM
Posts: 261
Link: Link
Hey sitar... How'd you feel about doin a remix
trade? Send me an email if you think it'd be
fun for ya.



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RE: Only a minute 37 seconds but
Message 6/20
24-Mar-01 @ 05:22 AM
Posts: 261
Link: Link
Hey sitar... How'd you feel about doin a remix
trade? Send me an email if you think it'd be
fun for ya.



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RE: Only a minute 37 seconds but
Message 7/20
24-Mar-01 @ 05:27 AM
Posts: 3,872
Thanks guys. End of the day and those are all soothing words for me to go to sleep to. Makes me wish I had posted a minute and 38 seconds of music :P Well, don't want to sleep too deeply.

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RE: Only a minute 37 seconds but
Message 8/20
24-Mar-01 @ 07:40 AM
Posts: 59
Link: Link
Makes me want to hear belly dance girl 4. Especially after about 1:19.

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RE: Only a minute 37 seconds but
Message 9/20
24-Mar-01 @ 10:12 AM
Posts: 80
Hey.. this sounds very good... and I want more. Where can I download full track?

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RE: Only a minute 37 seconds but
Message 10/20
24-Mar-01 @ 03:52 PM
Posts: 275
Link: Link
goodness. smileynss, too. i like the opening drums, y not let them ride the whole time?


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