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er1 query


er1 query
O/P Message 1/12
10-Jan-01 @ 01:01 PM
Posts: 0
I am using an er-i. When i programme the beats in via Cubase rather than play a programme direct from the er 1 they sound not as upfront does anyone know how i can change this.
Secondly - if i wish to put together a string of patterns from the er-1 to play along with a song in cubase if there anyway i can get the song to work with cubase so when i go to a particular point in the song on cubase it will go to that corresponding point in the song on the er-1 rather than going right back to the begining. Hope that makes sense.

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RE: er1 query
Message 2/12
11-Jan-01 @ 11:31 AM
Posts: 424
could it be that cubase is only sending a low velocity out?

have you got an output monitor window in cubase? it should show note/channel/velocity info

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RE: er1 query
Message 3/12
11-Jan-01 @ 03:26 PM
Posts: 0
not sure if there is such a window in cubase but i will have a look. cheers

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RE: er1 query
Message 4/12
12-Jan-01 @ 12:10 PM
Posts: 424
or check the volume setting for the track that is playing the er.

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RE: er1 query
Message 5/12
14-Jan-01 @ 04:08 PM
Posts: 0
ummm hardawre sequencers are reknown for being a lot tighter in timing and note triggering than a software sequencers. that might have something to do with it?

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RE: er1 query
Message 6/12
15-Jan-01 @ 11:39 PM
Posts: 0
Jasper's right. Cubase automatically assigns notes a velocity value of 70(127 is max) when you enter notes in the drum editor with the drum stick. If you drag the display bar in the drum editor to the right you'll see columns marked Lvl 1-4 and their corresponding velocity values. Lv 1 is the default velocity i.e. if you enter a note with the drumstick it'll default to this value. Set the different Lvl's to the velocities you want and use the following key presses to enter notes:

drumstick = Lv1
shift + drumstick = Lv2
control + drumstick = Lv3
shift + control + drumstick = Lv4

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RE: er1 query
Message 7/12
17-Jan-01 @ 12:40 PM
Posts: 0
Damn, thats brilliant, for quick grooves. In logic, I just use the velocity tool, but it remebers what the last velo that you clicked was, so if you're doing kicks at 120 and snares at 80, you do a kick 120 then create a snare, and its at 120 too, gotta drag that velo down to 80, then you make a kick and its 80... get the point. Not a pain, cause you can draw all your kicks and then all your snares, but shift clicking like that with default values fucking kicks ass, seems to me. Its small things like that, that make progs feel good.

Logic is tighter than my er.

What you need to do is check the accent of the patch. DID YOU READ YOUR MANUAL? Thats a damn easy manual to get threw... what you do is hold down the accent button and then turn the level knob to where ever you want it. Then if you are programing on the box, you can set up accent hits an 1,5,9,13 or whatever, and your kicks (or whatever, kids) will be that much louder. Only thing is, everything is that much quieter too.

The other thing is that the patterns on the er are pretty clean. If you're programming cloudy stuff, the drums are gonna sound muffled, cause they are written muffled.

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RE: er1 query
Message 8/12
17-Jan-01 @ 02:31 PM
Posts: 0
i've tried upping the velocity to 127 but doesn't see to make any difference. I have been doing it in the normal edit window rather than drum one - could this make a difference?

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RE: er1 query
Message 9/12
17-Jan-01 @ 04:45 PM
Posts: 0
do you have the same ER program selected when you are sending from the sequencer as when you are playing directly from ER? even though you are triggering the same midi note at same velocity, it could have a different sound if a different ER program is selected... or maybe you are sending the wrong midi note and triggering a different pad?

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RE: er1 query
Message 10/12
18-Jan-01 @ 12:51 AM
Posts: 0
Mathew, how dense are you? Velocity has nothing to do with it. Look in your manual about accent. If you can't figure that out, read my above post very slowly.

Sorry I'm grumpy, but I hate giving people the answer they are looking for, and then being disregarded. Ah, why should I even bother?

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