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hi hat's


hi hat's
O/P Message 1/12
17-Jan-01 @ 07:57 PM
Posts: 0
I'm haveing a bit of trouble getting my hi hat's right,any tip's I got MPC so I can do it..And I have tryed I'm not being a lazy wanker.Just need pushing in the right direction thanking u all

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RE: hi hat's
Message 2/12
18-Jan-01 @ 03:46 PM
Posts: 2,082
"Getting my hihats right".... uhh, what I might find to be right, you might find to be awfull. What kind of music do you make/ wanna make?

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RE: hi hat's
Message 3/12
18-Jan-01 @ 07:02 PM
Posts: 0
hardhouse stuff,I've shit load's of sample's but something ant right

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RE: hi hat's
Message 4/12
19-Jan-01 @ 10:22 AM
Posts: 0
check your velocities of the individual beats they need variation, and also the length of the decay on any open hi-hats in the pattern is critical to keep the feel...

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RE: hi hat's
Message 5/12
19-Jan-01 @ 11:47 AM
Posts: 424
someone told me to compress em separately, my problem was that they sounded too nice. erm, after messing around I reckon my real problem was that I got too hooked up on filtering all the mid freq out of them.

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RE: hi hat's
Message 6/12
19-Jan-01 @ 01:41 PM
Posts: 2,082
Well, there ya see what an intelligent person I am, I thought he wanted programming advise.... duh!

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RE: hi hat's
Message 7/12
19-Jan-01 @ 02:23 PM
Posts: 16
I make a lot of hard house and trance, and I've found that putting the hats on their own output and compressing the living shit out of them can really make a differance. Has to be on their own channel though cause the settings that work well for the hats will totally kill the bottom end of whatever kick you are using. Also, you might want to play around(I'm assuming you don't do this but whatever)with out any quantization, adjust the notes with out any sort of grid on, really helps make the sound more natural.

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RE: hi hat's
Message 8/12
19-Jan-01 @ 04:57 PM
Posts: 0
yep I'm gona try these thing's and any tip's are great,I seem to have a big hang up on my hi hat's I seem to fuk with them so much that every thing sound crap mybe I need to look at the beat as one and not try and get the beat going with just the hat's cheer's

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RE: hi hat's
Message 9/12
19-Jan-01 @ 10:55 PM
Posts: 424
what sort of compression?

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RE: hi hat's
Message 10/12
20-Jan-01 @ 10:19 AM
Posts: 0
and were do u get your sample's from if u don't mind

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