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Drummer taking a stab at electronic music....


Drummer taking a stab at electronic music....
O/P Message 1/12
29-Oct-00 @ 03:16 PM
Posts: 0
Link: Link
Hi everyone. I am a drummer that wanted to try something new. I don't listen to much electronic music but I do enjoy now and then. I decided to try some for myself. It's not perfectly thought but I would like some comments, especially on the beats.

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RE: Drummer taking a stab at electronic music....
Message 2/12
29-Oct-00 @ 08:55 PM
Posts: 0
well you started on the left foot, (if you were ever in a marching band, you will get that) all you need do now is learn a little about scales, synthesis, and then just groove. Not much more to dance music than rythm, a little harmony, and arrangement. As for beats.. just listen, and write down some of the beats you hear on some music you like, learn to play them, then improve on them. Thats one way to get started.. Then just do it. Electronic music is the new jazz. Totally free man, just go forth and create!

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RE: Drummer taking a stab at electronic music....
Message 3/12
30-Oct-00 @ 04:44 AM
Posts: 0
if you were ever in a marching band and are comin from a schooled out percussionists perspective you're screwed.if you are funky and can play the hi hat w/ finnesse get an MPC and A ddrum 4 the next time you're contemplating a DW kit or those all Maple SUper brand drums.They have metal cymbal surfaces and REAL drum heads on ddrum and they are now cheaper/And full sized than the entry level V drumz.They've dropped in price by half since the last version and I was surfin the ddrum site and noticed the Brain has improved not lost features.And They're RED like the Nord stuff cause they are the NORD stuff.

Those things are nice and the MPC2000XL is king of the drum machines.Just look at the polls on

If you are a drummer concentrate on the beatz and get busy.Fuck Theory it bogz you can't cut your finger on a MPC so why do ya need rules.This gear will let you use pads and drumheads to play sounds w/ damn the keyboards to hell i say.

If you do come from a marching band play TRANCE.unless your band had alot of swing to it or somethin.

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RE: Drummer taking a stab at electronic music....
Message 4/12
03-Nov-00 @ 03:03 AM
Posts: 0
H.. you dont know a lot about Marching band, do you? The whole point is to get your chops up for percussian ensemble.. you play everything straight so you can get your technical ability up.. that way when you want to pull off something really fast while improvising, you can.. it also gives you a SOLID sense of time. You should be able to play by feel and stuff man.. funk is cool and all.. but you should be able to be funky because you know, intimately, all parts of the beat. Do you get it?

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RE: Drummer taking a stab at electronic music....
Message 5/12
03-Nov-00 @ 12:45 PM
Posts: 424
Any kind of percussion training is going to give you a head start in dance music over someone that hasn't had any.

I aint had any and I'll admit that.

For starters a drummer is going to KNOW how it should sound at the start, and work on getting it that way.. whereas most of us hackers just play until it sounds good.

H - I know you'll disagree with that.

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RE: Drummer taking a stab at electronic music....
Message 6/12
04-Nov-00 @ 12:00 AM
Posts: 0
Link: Link
Hmmm, ok. I'm not really making DANCE music, but I see what you're saying.
Some of the stuff I made is on the site listed above, so leave some comments if you listne.

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RE: Drummer taking a stab at electronic music....
Message 7/12
04-Nov-00 @ 03:26 AM
Posts: 1,675
H, people take many different paths to get to their destinations. Your's isn't the right one for everybody. It's the right one for you.

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RE: Drummer taking a stab at electronic music....
Message 8/12
05-Nov-00 @ 11:19 AM
Posts: 0
very well stated and I somehow am able to play beats in time and w/ the exact feel i'm thinking of on my MPC so i guess i need to work on my timing.No I don't get marching bands.I always thought they were derived from the guys who couldn't shoot straight so you let them march out first so the enemy wastes plenty of cannonballs on them since they're useless anyway.High School?Way past that and I hate football(american style)anyway so i have no use whatsoever for marching bands.i use drum theory but it's derived from carribean and eastern and African theory so the marching band is whack to me.

I'm glad no one else is on my path because i can find a clean spot to rest my ass w/o seeing evidence of others being there before me.

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Another Newbe
Message 9/12
21-Nov-00 @ 08:24 AM
Posts: 0
Where do i begin? I'm totally new to this world of making music. I totally groove to TRANCE and I want to know what its going to take to get started creating my "own world". Please any good advice out there?

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Another Newbe
Message 10/12
21-Nov-00 @ 08:27 AM
Posts: 0
Where do i begin? I'm totally new to this world of making music. I totally groove to TRANCE and I want to know what its going to take to get started creating my "own world". Please any good advice out there?

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