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Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows


Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows
O/P Message 1/14
23-Feb-01 @ 10:45 PM
Posts: 0
Link: Link
Well, I can't figure out how to post a news message to this site, so I'll just postit here for the people who matter: My new drum machine software, XG-909, is done and shipping. Imagine a TR-909 in software, with a solid timing engine.. REAL flam and shuffle.. along with analog sequencing of up to two XG parameters per track, so you can tune the drums, tweak the filter, etc, all as part of your pattern.. that's XG-909, Check it at the link below -

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RE: Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows
Message 2/14
24-Feb-01 @ 05:34 PM
Posts: 2,003
Sorry I didn't get back to you on the Beta. I DL'd the second version and set it up correctly this time and it seemed like a pretty cool piecefor what it is. I don't know if it sounds exactly like a tr-909. It didn't for me because it was addressing sound that deffinately were not 909 sounds, but it certainly souded cool and unique, which is what I prefer anyway. I'm much happier to se people trying to make new instruments using new technology rather than just trying to emulate something that did it right the first time. Improvement over emulation.


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RE: Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows
Message 3/14
24-Feb-01 @ 06:08 PM
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Link: Link
I'm glad you like it. Yes, I should have pointed out that this thing will not necessarily _sound_ like a 909, since it uses Yamaha XG synthesis for the sounds. There are 909 samples in the XG kit, of course, but they will never be perfect emulations. The real power of this thing lies in its control over the XG sound set. Try taking the Gran Cassa sound from the Symphonic kit, tune the drum way up and shorten its decay.. then blend that in with the analog sounds...

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RE: Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows
Message 4/14
25-Feb-01 @ 12:17 AM
Posts: 0
I looked at the web page but couldn't figure out what the limitations of the unregistered download would be so I just left it.

Perhaps some clarification might be in order ? On the web page, I mean.

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RE: Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows
Message 5/14
25-Feb-01 @ 12:27 AM
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Link: Link
This may seem rude, but.. why not just download it and find out?

But to answer your question.. there are no restrictions in the first 30 days. After that, Save, MIDI file export, and MIDI sync will be disabled; and the program will timeout after 15 minutes.

For my own understanding - why do you want to know about this before downloading?

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RE: Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows
Message 6/14
25-Feb-01 @ 01:41 AM
Posts: 0
Hey, thanks for Arp-X8.
Nice one  

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RE: Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows
Message 7/14
25-Feb-01 @ 02:23 AM
Posts: 0
This may seem rude, but... I'm not here for you. You're supposed to be there for me, if you want my time and/or money.

I don't like wasting my time.

And I realize that's what I'm doing right now.

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RE: Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows
Message 8/14
25-Feb-01 @ 04:02 AM
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I'm actually genuinely interested in why a person would not download something like this if they don't get all the info they need from the Web page. The program itself carries all the answers.. the Web page can only provide a few answers. That's the whole idea behind "try before you buy" software.

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RE: Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows
Message 9/14
25-Feb-01 @ 11:10 AM
Posts: 0
I'm restrictive about what I download and from where I download. I might be more restrictive than most people, but I think you're throwing good business out the window if you think I'm the only one leaving your site without downloading because of something like this.

I agree that the web page doesn't have to list every minor detail about the product, but to me the details of what makes a demo version a demo version are important.

Other soft synth developers seem to agree with me.

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RE: Annoncing XG-909: Analog Drums for Windows
Message 10/14
25-Feb-01 @ 04:57 PM
Posts: 0
Link: Link
This is interesting feedback. I'll add soemthing like this to the website. Where would you expect to see it - on the Downloads page, or on the individual products pages?

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