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what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know


what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know
O/P Message 1/22
16-Nov-00 @ 06:03 AM
Posts: 0
I know that people ask this on a daily basis, but I have a feeling that seeing as how this is a drum-machine-only forum, you guys probably dig giving your opinions on this and that. I'm really wanting to buy a drum machine (my first one) and I'd rather not spend like a whole lot on it. Versitility is important too. I don't want, like, tonnes of 808 sounds and that's it. Maybe some sounds you don't exactly hear everyday, I'm not sure. Anyway, any suggestions at all...even just as a place to start looking or thinking...I'd be very appreciative. Thank ye all emensely.

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RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know
Message 2/22
16-Nov-00 @ 06:18 AM
Posts: 0
you got to say what kinda music you want to make with it, what other gear you have, more info pls.

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RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know
Message 3/22
16-Nov-00 @ 09:18 AM
Posts: 2,082
Versatility, non-everyday sounds, pay attention : SMAPLER!!!
Look at Akai S2000 for a not so expensive machine....


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RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know
Message 4/22
16-Nov-00 @ 02:39 PM
Posts: 2,003
Electribe, ER-1. Simple, versatile, and makes all kinds of sounds that you wouldn't expect to come from a drum machine, and it's pretty cheap.


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RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know
Message 5/22
16-Nov-00 @ 03:55 PM
Posts: 2,082
Very true aswell, I don't even use my ER-1 for 'standard' drums anymore but for the really freaky industrial sounds it can make.


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RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know
Message 6/22
16-Nov-00 @ 04:56 PM
Posts: 0
how about a jomox ?? it looks like the sounds are very editable

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RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know
Message 7/22
18-Nov-00 @ 11:02 PM
Posts: 2,003
The Xbase is killer as a drum machine, but it's not nearly as versatile as the ER1.


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RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know
Message 8/22
19-Nov-00 @ 06:40 PM
Posts: 81
Link: Link
there's the so far non-existant machinedrum as well..

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RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know
Message 9/22
20-Nov-00 @ 06:15 PM
Posts: 2,003
Yeah, let's buy some non-existence. We can start a church of Saint Vaporware. It'll be a hit, and then we can really clean house when the prayers are answered and stuff. Come on guys, this could be big.
And instead of having alterboys, we'll have all of these really cute suntanned college girls in bikinis walking arounds with posters of fake gear, and collection bowls, and all of the nerds will give them money, and then...and then... we'll have the miracle, and some guy can make a cardboard version of the synth
on the poster, and we'll just play like samples of a moog modular and stuff that we've bought with the donations, and then we can burn the 'new box' and send it back to GearGod, and everybody will go home happy, and then we can do it again the week after, and make a kiiling. Sounds good, right? Uh....guys? Where ya goin?




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RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know
Message 10/22
20-Nov-00 @ 06:21 PM
Posts: 81
all hail Saint Vaporware!

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