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Jazz ethic


Jazz ethic
O/P Message 1/17
29-May-02 @ 05:57 PM
Posts: 2,003
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So what are folks thoughts on the Jazz ethic, i.e., particing up your licks, gettin a few good grooves together, and maybe even following something like a modified Jazz chart/progression whree folks have solos and accents to grooves, and such and get together with whole groups of other electrinoic musicians, and do live, once-in-a-lifetime stylie onstge for an audience?


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RE: Jazz ethic
Message 2/17
29-May-02 @ 08:54 PM
Posts: 6,231
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weird. i start typing, look up, and my screen is flashing through the pages i've been on today, new one w/ each key. wish i knew what i did, would be very handy  

i'm telling you, i'm down, except for lack of transport, lack of desire to damage my hearing more, lack of desire to be aorund crowds of people "when i could be home making tapes"   we used to do that stuff.. shows and everythnig. except it was with bicycle pumps and guitar fx pedals. we had licks, we had interplay. we were like gods. everyone just stood there, utterly mystified.

but no one left  

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RE: Jazz ethic
Message 3/17
30-May-02 @ 08:07 AM
Posts: 448
I think that's an idea with great potential. Charts...what would they be like? Never seen any except for the type of notation Anthony Braxton was using, if that counts.

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RE: Jazz ethic
Message 4/17
30-May-02 @ 09:08 AM
Pure Phase
Posts: 51
Sounds good. Live jamming is the way forward. Just start playing and see what happens. Leave the computer at home and enjoy making some music.

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RE: Jazz ethic
Message 5/17
30-May-02 @ 02:49 PM
Posts: 2,707
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Yeah, that sounds like a cool idea.


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RE: Jazz ethic
Message 6/17
01-Jun-02 @ 01:13 PM
Posts: 2,003
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It's not too hard either, but you have to approach the gig in a different way. It's not about having loads of stuff rehearsed at all. It's about having loads of useable, and flexible grooves that you can drop at a second's notice, and an ear for what others are doing, and what would fit right where to bring out the mood you feel you're going for.


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RE: Jazz ethic
Message 7/17
03-Jun-02 @ 02:44 PM
Posts: 0
dope. this is why I keep asking about sequencers that can record on the fly. I saw Vladislav Delay recently and it was pretty disapointing to watch him play tracks JUST like his records on his laptop. I'm reorganizing my gear around this live, improv-friendly idea, though not sure just how yet. it's not just about the gear, but I'd like to hear you talk more about the tech side of things. lookomg forward to a show in NY, pongoid.

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RE: Jazz ethic
Message 8/17
03-Jun-02 @ 05:17 PM
Posts: 2,003
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Let me see what I can organise for NY. I'd really love to come down there and do a gig.


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RE: Jazz ethic
Message 9/17
03-Jun-02 @ 06:26 PM
Posts: 2,707
Link: Link
If you can give a little bit of notice I'd still love to catch you in NYC sometimes. It's 8 hours away though, so I need to organize  


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RE: Jazz ethic
Message 10/17
28-Jun-02 @ 02:37 PM
Posts: 0
anyone interested in seeing a "jazz ethic" brought to electronic music has GOT TO check out Herbert live.


he samples noises from his mouth, the sound of ripping paper (and boxer shorts!) and other things live, fiddles about on an old akai for a second or two, gets an abstract beat going, then runs back to sample through a second mic thats hooked up to verious stomp boxes. etc. things get nuts but always musical.

played in NYC with a two man horn section, second keyboardist, and Diane something, the DOPE vocalist from his Bodily Functions album.

they was a bit of playback too, but given all the live improve that was going on on along with it, it didn't matter a bit.

highly recommended.

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