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Playback sucks


Playback sucks
O/P Message 1/81
05-May-02 @ 08:10 PM
Posts: 440
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I'm NEVER doing playback anymore..

no the cd didn't skip but I was quite drunk and everybody could see I wasn't playing live.

And drinking and playing live.. well, that's another story

I did a gig this weekend with playback and it did not go very well to put it mildly. I think there are two main reasons why it fucked up. First one first which was my own fault. I've never done a gig before and the promoter said they wanted bands with little need of gear so I thought:easy! I'll do playback (another thing.. YOU know what YOU need, get what you need if you get it don't play. You get fucked, not the promoter.). As I mentioned before, everybody could see I wasn't really playing live. That's not a good thing

The other thing which I believe fucked things up for me was that the introducer said I was a young talented artist from Bergen who produces trance and have a JUST faboulous voice. "Today he is going to sing and perform his song."


Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to put the blame on other. I was responsible but the last one, fuck, who could I avoid it?

I don't know what I would have done with out my supporting friends backing me up and cheering like mad in the front. Cos, to be honest there wasn't a lot of cheering except from them. I managed to get some ok cheering at some points with some heavily clapping in the air (Yeah I know it's cheesy but what was I to do?) but then I forgot to play the keyboard, hehe.

There was a pretty big audience too, maybe 300 and I was unvoluntary picked out to *kick* off the show.

Anyway, this experience didn't turn my wish for playing live, but I'm NEVER EVER using playback again. By the way, this was my first gig ever.

Give me your flames and comfort. Especially comfort because I need it

I kinda look a bit humorous on it but it still sucks  

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RE: Playback sucks
Message 2/81
05-May-02 @ 08:48 PM
Posts: 2,890
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i've done a couple of gigs where i've fallen over on stage coz i was too fucked, not a pretty sight. i think i nearly got sacked for one time. live and learn, innit.

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RE: Playback sucks
Message 3/81
05-May-02 @ 11:07 PM
Posts: 6,231
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i did this gig as a hippy jesus with a giant bendy foam crucifix, except i never tried it on and the top bit flopped in the back, so i had someone following me around holding it up so you could see it was a cross.

of course i'd already stunned the audience by smashing a drum over my head. got to see that part preserved on videotape.

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RE: Playback sucks
Message 4/81
06-May-02 @ 12:06 AM
Posts: 1,345
plays real fine  

don't drink and drive, you might hit a bump and spill your drink.

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RE: Playback sucks
Message 5/81
06-May-02 @ 05:55 AM
Posts: 1,675
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so, I don't get it. what did this performance consist of? putting a cdr in a deck and standing there going "I made this. yep."

never sang? ever? not even a rousing rendition of "born to be wild" drunk in the shower where the reverb's really good?

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RE: Playback sucks
Message 6/81
06-May-02 @ 04:02 PM
Posts: 440
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xoxos that must have sucked  

Falling of the stage is not a good move either, at least it is not playback, hehe

My performance was basicly looking like a twat behind a big keyboard while the sound engineer put my cd-r in the cd player and pressed play.

Thanks guys

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RE: Playback sucks
Message 7/81
06-May-02 @ 08:41 PM
Posts: 6,231
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if you put a mixer and mebbe a rack up there too it plays off better.

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RE: Playback sucks
Message 8/81
06-May-02 @ 09:00 PM
Posts: 440
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yeah, but I still wont use playback anymore.

I was thinking of getting a sampler and sample some sequences and play them and mix and rearrange and filter and fx and ringmodulate and drink.. and I was also thinking of getting Kaoss pad.. that's gotta be awsome live. What do you think?

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RE: Playback sucks
Message 9/81
06-May-02 @ 11:57 PM
Posts: 7,627
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did you REALLY do that? let someone press play while you stand there?

wow. I would be hiding from the world if I had pulled that crap.

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RE: Playback sucks
Message 10/81
07-May-02 @ 12:12 AM
Posts: 440
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hehe.. that's exactly how I feel

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