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Organising Recorded Records


RE: Organising Recorded Records
Message 11/13
24-Feb-04 @ 09:41 AM
Steve Roughley
Posts: 1,178
Not to worry Milan. Cheers anyway.

I've just bought that softpointer, Beds (not bad for £8). I'll let you know how it works out. I also found out that Traktor does something similar. So last night I bit the bullet and went through half of my tracks and defined just about anything that I might remember a track by, such as the trackname, artist, remixer, genre, label and any comments, such as extra remix information. I also made use of a field called 'ranking' to add a number from 1 to 5 to the tracks that represented where in a set I would be most likely to place the track, (which will drastically reduce the number of tracks to search through during a set). 1 being the intro, to 5 being the finale. If this way of organising recordings doesn't work, then I'm probably just gonna have to put up with it.


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RE: Organising Recorded Records
Message 12/13
24-Feb-04 @ 04:41 PM
Who cares about DJing? That was sooooooo 1997.

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RE: Organising Recorded Records
Message 13/13
01-Mar-04 @ 10:44 PM
Posts: 8
I did my hole collection at xmas.

One of the best is the free real player. Suprisingly. Good genre & album grouping which makes looking at your mp3s easy. Click on the library bit if you already have realplayer on your pc.

The one i use now is dbpoweramp which is free, i tend to search for a track with the windows search and then drag the tracks into the playlist on dbpoweramp.

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