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Match/Synchronize Amplitude 5 Demo with my guitar.

RE: Match/Synchronize Amplitude 5 Demo with my guitar.
O/P Message 1/2
17-Mar-21 @ 11:43 AM
Posts: 0
Hi, realy need help   .looked every were to find help on matching/ Synchronizing my guitar with  Amplitude 5 Demo, so i can try before i buy. I have a Behringer   U-PHORIA UM2 Interface connected to my Laptop/Guitar, and 2  external speakers connected to my interface. and the AS104ALLv2 software loaded. The sound is coming from both external speakers, as it should. I watched one of your Videos on how to set up Amplitude with all the different affects etc and how to setup the AS104v2 software, hope i did it correctly. Watched the presenter set it all up and give it a few tweaks, then he began to play "what a sound what a difference to just playing through an Amplifier without all the effects. "i said to myself well i have followed your instructions to the letter hope mine sounds as good" Well guess what,  no it did not" Sound was coming through the speakers but it was only the plain Guitar sound no affects what so ever, what a big disappointment. Tried every thing no joy hope you can assist me please. Yours John Ruddock   email

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RE: Match/Synchronize Amplitude 5 Demo with my guitar.
Message 2/2
01-Apr-21 @ 05:40 PM
Posts: 12,353
Link: Link
quote wrote:

Hi, realy need help   .looked every were to find help on matching/ Synchronizing my guitar with  Amplitude 5 Demo, so i can try before i buy. I have a Behringer   U-PHORIA UM2 Interface connected to my Laptop/Guitar, and 2  external speakers connected to my interface. and the AS104ALLv2 software loaded. The sound is coming from both external speakers, as it should. I watched one of your Videos on how to set up Amplitude with all the different affects etc and how to setup the AS104v2 software, hope i did it correctly. Watched the presenter set it all up and give it a few tweaks, then he began to play what a sound what a difference to just playing through an Amplifier without all the effects. i said to myself well i have followed your instructions to the letter hope mine sounds as good Well guess what,  no it did not Sound was coming through the speakers but it was only the plain Guitar sound no affects what so ever, what a big disappointment. Tried every thing no joy hope you can assist me please. Yours John Ruddock   email

you need to turn monitoring ON on the DAW track & make sure Direct monitoring is turned OFF on the audio interface or soundcard in it;s software control panel (or using a switch or control on the actual physical unit)

I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!
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