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mpc 60 and Quantizing beats

RE: mpc 60 and Quantizing beats
O/P Message 1/2
07-Nov-00 @ 03:22 AM
Posts: 4
I have an Mpc 60. I feel making funky beats is about
your funk/ears and messing with the swing if you are
quantizing.( and attack and velocity). I ve heard alot
of people talk about quantizing BD & SN at different
settings(1/16,1/32 etc.) does this really make
difference or is it an urban myth? If your tempo is 96
bpm and you choose Q at 1/32 , the snare, if it falls
on 2 & 4 and is on beat, will hit in the same place -
regardless- whether you use Q1/32 or 1/16. At 1/16 you
can mess with swing or shift timing but at 1/32 ther is
no swing to mess with. also dividing the tempo in 1/2
?? Myth or r

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RE: mpc 60 and Quantizing beats
Message 2/2
07-Nov-00 @ 05:08 PM
Posts: 0
Yes it will fall on the same place exactly correct -

you choose the Q-resolution that suits each drum - each drum in all the sequencer around today can have a quantise applied individualy, so if you do 4 on the floor, set the kik Q to quarter notes, it just makes drawing them in easier thats all... set the res' to whatever feel is required PER-DRUM - If you are doing garage then set the snare & hats to 16th swing quantise & choose your swing factor that suits.

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