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Live FOH sub plans

Live FOH sub plans
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19-Jul-10 @ 02:07 AM
Posts: 2
A few months back I found an awesome website that had multiple styles of plans for subwoofer cabinets available in PDF. Amazingl;y detailed and accurate. Think I can file the file on my computer or the website it came from? ...not a chance.

I thought I was getting close to re-discovering it as some of the same sites I located last time started surfacing as well, but I haven't been able to score. I think the plans I was looking for were for an 18" driver...possibly a pair of some form of folded horn cab.

Anyone have a link to such a site. I really wouldn't be asking if I thought I could find it myself...but seriously...I'm getting nothing. Best of all those plans were free.

Thanks for you time


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RE: Live FOH sub plans
Message 2/2
20-Jul-10 @ 12:48 AM
Posts: 2
Link: Link
Hehehe,... answering my own question.

Amazingly detailed PDF bin plans

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