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Express Help!

RE: Express Help!
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29-May-14 @ 07:16 AM
Posts: 1
Hi! I'm having a youth camp for my church, and I don't have access to the venue anymore until the date itself which is on 3rd June 2014. There's going to be a high praise session and I don't want to mess that up and my problem is, the mixer is in a booth directly next of the stage, so I can't hear properly what the congregation is hearing. So I need a way to place my own mixer (not the existing mixer) to somewhere else preferably laterally further from the existing booth. is there a way to do that? Maybe signal into the booth's mixer, then out into mine? is that possible? and how?

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RE: Express Help!
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31-May-14 @ 01:05 PM
Posts: 11,382
splitter cables at the main mixer and then a multicore to your second mixer'll do it

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