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Emu Command Stations?

Emu Command Stations?
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23-Sep-03 @ 02:43 AM
Posts: 7,627
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I remember some of you using these here...

for live?

curious, but...with an Ultra sampler, you can burn your own ROM, right? could effectively burn your own sounds...all your samples, etc, and pop that in the command station?

why the fuck didnt they make the damn thing with a SAMPLER!

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RE: Emu Command Stations?
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23-Sep-03 @ 07:58 AM
Posts: 0
Cause they want you to buy an emu Ultra.. hehehe... yeah, that's the word, it takes Ultra roms... I just got one 2 months ago. Took me a bit to get to where I had enough writtewn with it to take it out, but I've played live with it twice... And I dig it all to hell... good synth, excellent sequencer... blah blah blah.

I will say, it's a bit clunky to write on. Not very intuitive as a composer, but once you've got what you want (takes some work as I say) it's great for taking out! And with the new OS all the stability probs are a straightened out.

BUT... the clock's off a bit! Not a problem for me, because I sync to an external clock with all of my sequencers on stage, but if you're running it and another sequencer without syncing them, you'll hear the difference!!!


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