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Damned Mackie's


RE: Damned Mackie's
Message 11/25
17-Jul-02 @ 07:12 PM
Posts: 659
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I used the Mackies, HARD, for up to 8 hours straight, with no problems yet, (goin' on my third (fourth?) year with 'em, albeit this year has been very "restful" for them). I use the SRS1500 for the lows and just use the 450s for the upper range bits. I wouldn't use them as a PA (although I have in a pinch more than once), but I've been very happy with them as stage monitors... Must admit, I actually like the "in-the-ear" monitors better these days. Lot easier to hear what's goin' on as long as you know your low end is sorted....

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RE: Damned Mackie's
Message 12/25
17-Jul-02 @ 07:16 PM
Posts: 659
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One other note, if that guy that owned them say they're notorius for that, he probably doesn't know how to set them up proper. They'll shut off if you force them into overload for too long, but if you're setup proper, that shouldn't be an issue. If he was JUST using the 450s with no sub, well maybe they just couldn't compete with the house bass/subs. I've always used the subs with 'em so I couldn't say...

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RE: Damned Mackie's
Message 13/25
17-Jul-02 @ 07:17 PM
Posts: 0
then mebbe like with all the mackie mixers recently being recalled there has also been manufacturing probs with their monitors if failures are rampant in this model.

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RE: Damned Mackie's
Message 14/25
17-Jul-02 @ 09:03 PM
Posts: 403
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You guys are right! The sound guy's to blame here... If he knew they'd do that he shouldn't have had them there! That's what I was saying to him after the party, and he's like, "You don't have to get all excited!"

it's not like I was pissed, I was just surprised that he'd use them when he knew better!

The mix for the show was good (we recorded the set in line to the mixer so we know everything was good) just not loud enough for the first 2 tracks... pissed me off at the time. But we got respect!


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RE: Damned Mackie's
Message 15/25
19-Jul-02 @ 08:47 AM
Posts: 145
id like to respond to the dude who used the duck tape limiter, in genious. I dont know how many times ive been to a party where every consecutive dj turns the sound higher than the last like it will some how make thier set better.

I dont wanna piss any dj's off but it seems that some are pre maddonnas somtimes. Get your in ego out of the clouds man! I was at an outdoor last weekend and some dj was waiting for our set to be over and he keeps comin up to us and demanding that we finnish cuz he wants to play. And it was OUR party, then he starts scratchin over our shit like it will make it better. I had to tell him 5 times to get the out. I found out he wasnt even on the set list.

As a party person I owe alot to good dj's and they do alot of cool things that require some talent, but lest we forget, most dont in produce shit. You spin records, your not a god!


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RE: Damned Mackie's
Message 16/25
19-Jul-02 @ 11:06 AM
Posts: 7,627
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"some are pre maddonnas somtimes. "

SHIIIIIT. most of the time? fuck yes

as for the duct tape limiter...god DAMN that made me laugh!

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RE: Damned Mackie's
Message 17/25
19-Jul-02 @ 12:40 PM
Posts: 5,701
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pre-madonnas? like cindy lauper?  )

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RE: Damned Mackie's
Message 18/25
22-Jul-02 @ 06:15 AM
Posts: 7,627
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she was pre?

heh. primadonna

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RE: Damned Mackie's
Message 19/25
22-Jul-02 @ 09:30 PM
Posts: 1,675
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is funny, cindy lauper was the one the critics thought had staying power. now debbie harry, she's definately pre-madonna.

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RE: Damned Mackie's
Message 20/25
23-Jul-02 @ 03:12 PM
Posts: 5,701
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ah ye, thats the exmple i was looking for...

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