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lexicon 3630?

lexicon 3630?
O/P Message 1/3
14-Mar-01 @ 07:11 PM
Posts: 0
I have noticed several of you use this kit, i know someone who wants to get rid of one cheap and i wanted to know what you all think of it's capabilities? Get it or forget it???


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RE: lexicon 3630?
Message 2/3
16-Mar-01 @ 01:53 PM
Posts: 424
alesis 3630?

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RE: lexicon 3630?
Message 3/3
16-Mar-01 @ 05:51 PM
Posts: 0
if it IS the alesis 3630 i added a review page for this unit in the FX RACK section - under compressors or just load ALL FX UNITS... i used one alot and i posted what i can say about it - very good basicaly.

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