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Online Mastering for Dance Music?

RE: Online Mastering for Dance Music?
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19-Dec-10 @ 05:11 PM
Posts: 1
Link: Link
I've been recommended to use these guys for Masterung, anyone had any experience with these guys? Online Audio Mastering

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RE: Online Mastering for Dance Music?
Message 2/3
21-Mar-11 @ 09:33 AM
Posts: 22
Link: Link
Ring around & see who offer FTP file up's and ask to HEAR THEIR MASTERING, then choose! Load a file and I can tell you exactly who, might cost $5K a Track Though!
Lol..... Good Luck

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RE: Online Mastering for Dance Music?
Message 3/3
23-Mar-11 @ 12:30 PM
Posts: 80
Link: Link
The best bet is to get a free mastering preview, whatever the style of music. This sorts the men from the boys.

(err... and those who cannot spell mastering correctly and link to their own website pretending they were recommended, lol)

SafeandSound Mastering
online mastering


[Edited: 23-Mar-11  |  12:31 PM]

SafeandSound Mastering, low cost, high end
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