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Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-1 - [video]

RE: Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-1 - [video]
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19-Apr-12 @ 10:35 PM
Jeff Weber
Posts: 2
In chapter 1 of the Logic Pro for Beginners tutorials, part six, an example is shown where you have two MIDI regions on separate tracks but they don't line up with each other and and only one of them lines up to the bar. A technique for getting the "off" region to line up with the bar line and to the other region is shown. It involves setting the snap value to "Bar", checking the "Snap to Absolute Value" option, and then stretching the "off" region out to the left to make it line up with the bar. Works very slick. Problem is it only works with MIDI regions, not with audio regions. Can anybody tell me how to get this same result with audio regions?

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RE: Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-1 - [video]
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21-Apr-12 @ 04:02 PM
Posts: 11,382
Jeff Weber wrote:

In chapter 1 of the Logic Pro for Beginners tutorials, part six, an example is shown where you have two MIDI regions on separate tracks but they dont line up with each other and and only one of them lines up to the bar. A technique for getting the off region to line up with the bar line and to the other region is shown. It involves setting the snap value to Bar, checking the Snap to Absolute Value option, and then stretching the off region out to the left to make it line up with the bar. Works very slick. Problem is it only works with MIDI regions, not with audio regions. Can anybody tell me how to get this same result with audio regions?

Ok, that is because, midi regions and auduio regions are different.

A midi region is just a container for midi notes/data, so you can drag out the front of the region to make it longer because it is simply a container.

but an audio region is a graphic representation of an actual audio file (or a section of an audio file). Because of that you can never drag the front or back end of the audio out ealier in time or later in time than the actual start or end of the recorded file.

You can of course drag an audio region shorter at the start/end

Now, if you have a little audio region on your arrange-page which you have dragged offbeat, so that it's start edge (and/or end edge) no longer lines up with a bar line, you can fix that by chucking it into a folder..

highlight the little audio region - then go to menu: region/folder/pack folder

the audio region will be put into a folder which starts/ends exactly on the bar markers. Inside the folder is the actual audio region starting and ending off the main bar lines.

double click on the resulting folder (looks like a region) to go IN to the folder if you need to move or tweak the audio-region again which is now living inside the folder.

once inside the folder, when you are viewing the actual audio region with it's off-beat start/end times, you can then step OUT of the folder back to the arrangement by clicking the little angled-arrow icon (leave folder icon) on the top-left of the arrange page Local Menu Bar (next to the chain-link icon) - this little angled-arrow icon only becomes clickable to step up/out of a Folder when you are actually inside a folder - otherwise it is greyed out.

Inside the folder is the audio region & it's track.

hope that helps. Folders are cool, but we didn't get to that yet in the tutorials  

you can colour & drag/copy/move folders just like midi regions

[Edited: 21-Apr-12  |  04:08 PM]

"In other countries, art and literature are left to a lot of shabby bums living in attics and feeding on booze and spaghetti, but in America the successful writer or picture-painter is indistinguishable from any other decent business man!" - Babbit
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RE: Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-1 - [video]
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22-Apr-12 @ 07:53 PM
Jeff Weber
Posts: 2
Hey, that's pretty slick and it works like a charm. Thanks!

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RE: Logic Pro For Beginners - Chapter-1 - [video]
Message 4/4
22-Apr-12 @ 08:10 PM
Posts: 11,382
Yes, Folders are very cool. For example, you can highlight all the regions on seperate tracks which together make your main beat/drums/bassline etc and then pack them into a single folder - That way you can then move around the entire beat/bassline groove made of multiple regions/tracks by simply moving/copying/dragging around just a single folder-region block.

Anytime you need to edit any midi/audio region on any track within that beat/groove folder, you simply enter the folder (inside which you'll see all the tracks/regions), and edit anything, then step back out of the folder and carry on editing your arrangement.

We'll get to folders with a future tutorial. Sorry the tutorials aren't delivered more often. 

"In other countries, art and literature are left to a lot of shabby bums living in attics and feeding on booze and spaghetti, but in America the successful writer or picture-painter is indistinguishable from any other decent business man!" - Babbit
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