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Hardcore breaks and samples

Hardcore breaks and samples
O/P Message 1/4
04-Feb-01 @ 01:21 AM
Posts: 1
I want to make an old skool/rave/hardcore track, with cheesy piano stabs, synth pitch bends, and chipmunk vox. Is there anywhere I can get hold of breaks and samples for this style?



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RE: Hardcore breaks and samples
Message 2/4
04-Feb-01 @ 05:35 AM
Posts: 0
um... "cheesy piano stabs, synth pitch bends, and chipmunk vox IIV" from Time & Space ??.. get your sampler out mate or your pc and get busy with your vinyl & synths etc.

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RE: Hardcore breaks and samples
Message 3/4
04-Feb-01 @ 01:32 PM
Posts: 0
just buy some of the ultimate beats and breaks series from a hiphop shop and use the breaks on them. Remember to pitch up the breaks rather than timestretch tho. And make sure you mix it *really* badly, that`ll do the job.

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RE: Hardcore breaks and samples
Message 4/4
04-Feb-01 @ 05:24 PM
Posts: 0
tip is, sample the piano chords onto sample keys and pitch them up, play the riffs and get that semi-triggered effect by triggering the keys for the chords,

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