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Soundcraft_K2 32

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17-Aug-06 @ 07:39 PM
Posts: 0
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We have a Soundcraft K2 at my church, its the 40 channel version. We bought it 2 years ago and were having alot of power problems. Its a brand new building and the power seems to be fine, and the voltage in the building always checks out ok when we test it. But we have had our power supply die on us three times now. We rarely do events other than Sunday and we only use it for 3, 45min services once a week. So its not even used a whole lot. What is happening? Why is the 17 volt light now lighting up and the power supply dieing. It works great, and then we go to power up and theres no 17 volt light and nothing turns on. What are we doing wrong? This problem has happened 3 times now and its the exact same thing every time, and this is after Soundcraft in Northridge, CA has professionally repaired it each time.

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RE: Soundcraft_K2 32
Message 2/4
18-Aug-06 @ 05:32 PM
Posts: 12,353
get a proper electrician in cos you might have a mains ampage problem

I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!
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RE: Soundcraft_K2 32
Message 3/4
19-Aug-06 @ 04:39 AM
Musineer Productions
Posts: 332
Link: Link
Your god/s prefer Mackie?... Stop blessing it with the holy water?...


K's advice is of course sensible. However, I wonder what you're connecting to the desk. If you have an old effect/processor unit or two - are they all working properly (earthing? shorts?).

Not sure what you mean by it works fine until you power up - how do you know?

Are you leaving it on all the time? My Soundcraft desk doesn't like that, and will overheat the power transformer if left on for days (I'm on my second). Maybe Soundcraft power supplies are just not reliable.

Does anything in the church use a lot of power (heaters/lights/etc)? If so, is this on a timer? Have you tried a surge board to plug the power supply into?

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RE: Soundcraft_K2 32
Message 4/4
01-Sep-06 @ 12:53 PM
Posts: 12,353
he's got an volt warning lamp on the power supply tho isn't it?

I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!
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