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dentyne spot

dentyne spot
O/P Message 1/5
19-Mar-01 @ 10:58 PM
Posts: 12,353
Link: Link
that intro of the second version with the guitar riff (i think) you guys should work that riff... it's quite distinctive the keychange

I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!
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RE: dentyne spot
Message 2/5
20-Mar-01 @ 03:32 AM
Posts: 3,872
I like all this feedback k is giving. This site rocks.

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RE: dentyne spot
Message 3/5
22-Mar-01 @ 10:51 PM
Posts: 720
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hey, k

do you mean work more with it or re work it. i
was thinking that if they don't use it, p and i
would bang out a track using it. we both were
pretty pleased with it.

it's a little late for any changes to the spot
because it's at the agency in new york already.
only had one night to work on it.

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RE: dentyne spot
Message 4/5
22-Mar-01 @ 10:52 PM
Posts: 720
Link: Link
also, it's a synth line. from reason. (sshhhhh)

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RE: dentyne spot
Message 5/5
26-Mar-01 @ 09:26 PM
Posts: 356
Link: Link
Yeah I heard that spot and I think it's cool. I hope it gets picked up actually so's I can have bragging rights ("Yeah, I know the guys who did the Dentyne commercial's music")  

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