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uk garage quantisation

uk garage quantisation
O/P Message 1/5
17-Jan-01 @ 05:48 AM
Posts: 1
lately ive been tryin ctreate sum uk garage beats.
i did a search on this forum and tried to create some the patterns that u guys left. but when i create em' they sound so stiff and out of place. i tried to use some quatistation on Orion but it just stuffs it up. what type of quantistaion does uk garage use? and how can i apply it in orion? ppl say that logic audio has reallly good quantistation featsures but i cant find a demo(where can i get one). pls help>

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RE: uk garage quantisation
Message 2/5
17-Jan-01 @ 11:42 AM
Posts: 0
I normally click the beats in at 32nd note triplets, then shove the notes in the 2nd half of the bar as far back as they`ll go without sounding off, then mebbe just drag the 2nd snare forward a teeny bit for some push/pull feel and then apply swing to anything that lands on the 16ths..........

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RE: uk garage quantisation
Message 3/5
17-Jan-01 @ 12:41 PM
Posts: 424
try lowering the velocity for swung notes

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RE: uk garage quantisation
Message 4/5
18-Jan-01 @ 01:43 AM
Posts: 0
just use an open short decay hat on the offbeat - then as the man above says quantise the grid to 32nds or 64th's and drop in some skip grace notes etc... orion is a dream for garage especially with that sampling drumbox

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RE: uk garage quantisation
Message 5/5
06-Feb-01 @ 11:35 PM
Posts: 0
Link: Link
there's a garage loop done in REASON (44.1 16bit wav mono) 64th quantise only no swings or quantise just VELOCITY

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