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Plug in Comp.

Plug in Comp.
O/P Message 1/5
08-Mar-01 @ 09:52 PM
Posts: 0
This seems to be Quite the hot topic recently, there has been a lot of talk but i have not really heard any real deep discussion into this and well this is what i have found.
I am trying to get a real pumping thick sound out of this kick i got, and i have it in the Cubase compressor. I have tried many settings but for the most part i always seem to have this high pitched THwack going on. The more extreme i get with the settings the more harder time i have getting rid of it. It does not sound warm to me at all like what a hear on the pound ass Techno rekids. Just THwack THwack THwack! I have tried it all, short attack long attack, etc etc, and for the most part it DOES NOT sound like that warm pumpin thump we all are after. Several of you have been converting to the plug in factor and i am interested in if you notice this also? I have also tried the waves this seems to have better results but still not Pumpin....
Are the resuts i'm after only possible with a tube Compressor?


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RE: Plug in Comp.
Message 2/5
09-Mar-01 @ 09:19 AM
Posts: 0
it's the threshold you want to mess with & eq... try dave brown compressor, it's in the file library - search for 'vst'

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RE: Plug in Comp.
Message 3/5
09-Mar-01 @ 12:04 PM
Posts: 424
erm, you may be barking up the wrong tree though.. if you have a kick thats allready been compressed previously - (and unless it's a plain old vanilla 909 it probably has) then try eq'ing some of the mid range out before compressing it. 400-500 hz or whatever you like the sound of.

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RE: Plug in Comp.
Message 4/5
09-Mar-01 @ 07:31 PM
Posts: 0
Ya never going to get that pumping kick drum sound with plug-ins. You wanna get yourself a DBX160x. An underated compressor but you'll find one in every top studio. It'll cost ya about 325 dollars.

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RE: Plug in Comp.
Message 5/5
24-Mar-01 @ 08:07 AM
Brett B
Posts: 781
you can get by by layering some bass with it.A fat low end under the kick is what most tracks have that give it the pump when the kick hits and the limiter pushes them together.

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