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Psyclotrone: My new Goa Trance song

Psyclotrone: My new Goa Trance song
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30-Mar-01 @ 08:22 AM
Posts: 7
Link: Link
I just uploaded my new song called 'Psyclotrone' to Strictly speaking - this isn't real Goa Trance, more a mixture between Melodic Trance and Goa. But this is my first entry in this genre and the one to prepare you for my next 'Goa/PsyTrance symphony' which will be finished and uploaded in about a week :-)

This is also a chance to hear Access Virus B, Novation Nova, Waldorf QRack and some other gear working together.

Please, look at the and tell me what do you think ...

Best regards,

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RE: Psyclotrone: My new Goa Trance song
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30-Mar-01 @ 08:24 AM
Posts: 7
Link: Link
Ooops, I wanted to say: Look at the :-)

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RE: Psyclotrone: My new Goa Trance song
Message 3/6
30-Mar-01 @ 02:06 PM
Posts: 12,353
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i'll make an observation - i listened to all your tracks... and all of them have a good form & structure, but all of them to my ears sound like 'the backing without the singer' - do you get me?... it feels like the main hook synth line has been removed and i'm listening to the backing track... i keep expecting some main killer synth line to appear around the 1 minute mark and blast the track out... the synths used in the backing are programmed to have a good organic blend shifting along well... but they need or are lacking a solid hook line which stands out from the backing... hard to explain.. but thats the best i can say it... make any sense?... everything seems to be in the same spacial feild depthwise so no one line stands out as the hook pattern.. dont get me wrong, what is there is good to my ears but they could be 'great' tracks with that extra something added over the top..

I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!
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RE: Psyclotrone: My new Goa Trance song
Message 4/6
31-Mar-01 @ 07:18 AM
Posts: 7
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Could be ... I will probably remix them one day when'll have enough time :-) Thanks for the advice.

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RE: Psyclotrone: My new Goa Trance song
Message 5/6
31-Mar-01 @ 08:15 AM
Posts: 12,353
Link: Link
dont get me wrong tho, they are bloody good, i've raved out to worse than that in clubs.

I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!
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RE: Psyclotrone: My new Goa Trance song
Message 6/6
06-Apr-01 @ 07:36 AM
Posts: 7
Link: Link
'Psyclotrone' is currently #47 on Goa Chart :-) Thanks to all of you who have downloaded this song (and to anyone who will make it in the future).

Best regards.

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