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Check out my new hard house track...

Check out my new hard house track...
O/P Message 1/6
16-Jan-01 @ 11:39 AM
Posts: 0
I just finished my new hard house track titled "Seven" and I would appreciate it if you all would take a listen. The thing is that my site is not up yet so I have it on napster. If you go to napster type in "freq3" in the artist spot and "seven" in the title spot. It has a very, very small hint of trance on the lead synth but when the hoovers (not sampled) kick in there's no going back. The mixdown is a bit lazy but overall the track rocks. Please give me some feed back as soon as you can. I'll also post my address as soon as it's up, probably in about two days. I'm doing a remix of Seven (titled "The Peak") which is 100% more dancefloor hands in the air mad build up hard house with not a hint of any kind of trance. It also has 303s and the works. If you have any questions please email me (

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RE: Check out my new hard house track...
Message 2/6
01-Feb-01 @ 06:40 AM
Posts: 0
ive just got on the net and im not the most computer literate but i love techno and want to start making sum of my own trax i play the drums which will (i hope) help with the dynamics of laying down sum cool tunes but i dont know where to find the samples and how to import them. can you help me? and if u want sumone to listen to your mixes and give u feed back im your man. i love picking the shit out of songs that dont quite meet the standards of a good smooth flowing song. dynamics is the key! so if u have sum trax that need to be constuctivly critisized bring em on. Rickey

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RE: Check out my new hard house track...
Message 3/6
01-Feb-01 @ 09:28 AM
Posts: 0
Link: Link
My site is up now so it'll be easier to check out my new track "The Peak (Seven Remix)". My new track will be on my site soon. Thanks 

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RE: Check out my new hard house track...
Message 4/6
01-Feb-01 @ 11:22 AM
Posts: 0
Just listened to the track and I like what I hear r u based in the US or UK ?

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RE: Check out my new hard house track...
Message 5/6
03-Feb-01 @ 01:31 AM
Posts: 0
Link: Link
I'm from the US. My new track is taking a little longer than expected. But I'll post a message when I'm done.

James E Jumonville III
^*^^DJ/Sound Reinforcements^^*^
^*^^Psybretronn&KodeBlue Productionz^^*^

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RE: Check out my new hard house track...
Message 6/6
06-Feb-01 @ 06:07 PM
Posts: 0

I'm DLing your tracks now, I'll be back to let u know what I think. BTW... what synth's do you have?.. and where do you get your beats?


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