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Sequencing software

Sequencing software
O/P Message 1/6
17-Oct-00 @ 07:51 PM
Posts: 1
Is there software available to allow me to sequence my novation drumstation on the PC, in the the style of a 909, and then export the midi.?

Anyone help?


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RE: Sequencing software
Message 2/6
17-Oct-00 @ 11:18 PM
Posts: 2,003
I don't know, maybe Rebirth? Tried it yet? Gotta be something simple out there.


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RE: Sequencing software
Message 3/6
18-Oct-00 @ 07:10 AM
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heaps probably, try looking here.

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RE: Sequencing software
Message 4/6
19-Oct-00 @ 12:52 AM
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Try Revolve.

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RE: Sequencing software
Message 5/6
19-Oct-00 @ 01:00 AM
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Or...make a pattern in ReBirth and use ReMaker to export a midi file. Import it into Cubase or the like and sequence your DS from there.

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RE: Sequencing software
Message 6/6
19-Oct-00 @ 02:47 PM
Posts: 0
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Try Pump by Bram Bros..

I use it all the time. It is not supported in anyway
anymore and it's been out of development for couple of
years now, but's it's still really usable. Lastest
version that came out was 1.0b5 i think.. Has a
mono-sequencer, a 909 drum type sequencer, and a poly
sequencer all in one and all can be tracked togather.

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