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drum attack/release

drum attack/release
O/P Message 1/6
06-Dec-00 @ 05:30 PM
Posts: 0
sometimes i got like weird problems with a a midi sequence cause my ADSR timies are shuffled.

does anyone experience similiar problem.

i use lots of release on my kicks and hihats. but should i keep sustain off completely on drums.

is there any strict rule of code for this to keep the groove alive without making it sound dull from cutting away adsr timing??

responces are gratious...peace.

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RE: drum attack/release
Message 2/6
08-Dec-00 @ 11:46 PM
Posts: 0
well listen to the decays of real drums.. fast to fast-ish.. the rest is reverb.. if you have lomng sustain settings then surely you'll get triggering probs as the drum tries to rtetrigger whilst it is also still performing a sutain decay of the sample which would mean looping anyways - what sorta drum samples are these !?? they sound weird to me

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RE: drum attack/release
Message 3/6
11-Dec-00 @ 03:47 PM
Posts: 0
the samples are taken from the net, although i must add, i do not experience these problems with a novation drum staion or any otha drum module.. thats weird part.

thanks for reply.

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RE: drum attack/release
Message 4/6
11-Dec-00 @ 03:51 PM
Posts: 0
ok, no sustain corrects the problem, but i lose alot of the groove i had initially...that sux.,

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RE: drum attack/release
Message 5/6
12-Dec-00 @ 10:03 PM
Posts: 0
Loss of groove... I hearya.

Is there swing built into midi? or lets say you
record a midi file from a drum machine, and you
have groove settings, are they saved in the
midi file or are they machine dependant.

I find a lot of my groove comes from a combination
of these things:

volume changes in the notes
pans from left to right
slight pitch changes
swing factor
slight note pushes or resolutions (forcing a 16th
note to be a 64th off time)

i dont quite understand how all this is saved in a midi file.


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RE: drum attack/release
Message 6/6
13-Dec-00 @ 02:07 PM
Posts: 424
midi just tells a synth when to play a note at it's most basic level, but it can also contain other info (ie filter/res/env info/filter env info/pitch/pan/lfo speed/type/etc etc) depending on how aware the synth manufacturer is on the importance of this on their sales..

even pulling a note 1/196th will have an audible effect on a groove.. esspecially with heavy bass combinations.. if the sequencer is up to the job of layering bass (good for you if it is) that is.. ie a hardware job (akai mpc).. software sequencers tho.. you can get close but.. you allways feel like it could be tighter.

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