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Mindspawn Live Performances

Mindspawn Live Performances
O/P Message 1/6
22-Apr-03 @ 11:34 AM
Posts: 659
Link: Link
Here's some upcoming Mindspawn performances. Note that these shows are of the dark ambient/experimental variety...

25 April 2003 7:30PM
Chapel and Cultural Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2125 Burdett Avenue
Troy, NY 12180
Free Admission!

Sara Ayers (Albany, NY), Mindspawn (Boston, MA) and dreamSTATE (Toronto, ON) provide a summit session opportunity for seeing, hearing and experiencing some of America's most challenging and rewarding contemporary ambient electronic music, with video provided by the Capital Region's own Twisted Pair. Ethereal, powerful, evocative and haunting, this is an evening designed to expand your auditory horizons, taking you into sonic environments you've never thought to imagine or dared to experience, except perhaps in dreams.

Other upcoming Mindspawn performances (details will be announced as the dates draw near):

May 2nd - Force Of Nature Presents: A night of Dark Ambient/Power Electronics/and
Brutal noise, $10 Admission
@ As220 115 Empire Street
Providence, RI 02903

June 22nd - DFR Fest II
2pm to 12am
Pa's Lounge
Union Square
345 Somerville Avenue
Somerville, Massachusetts

August 9th - Ambitention
Worcester Artist Group
38 Harlow St, Worcester.

Thanks for reading folks!

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RE: Mindspawn Live Performances
Message 2/6
22-Apr-03 @ 09:41 PM
Posts: 80
where in toronto is dreamstate?


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RE: Mindspawn Live Performances
Message 3/6
23-Apr-03 @ 02:32 AM
Posts: 659
Link: Link
Couldn't say for sure, but here's their URL:


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RE: Mindspawn Live Performances
Message 4/6
25-Apr-03 @ 03:50 AM
Posts: 2,003
Link: Link
Good luck, Spwan. Warp some heads, and take them places.


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RE: Mindspawn Live Performances
Message 5/6
25-Apr-03 @ 05:39 AM
Posts: 0

I recommended to an RPI grad student friend in Albany to check out your live set. I wish I could be there but I have prior commitments here in Buffalo. Best of Luck!


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RE: Mindspawn Live Performances
Message 6/6
26-Apr-03 @ 09:50 PM
Posts: 659
Link: Link
Thanks all for the encourageement, checking it out, etc. Sara Ayers and dreamSTATE both did awesome sets, and we had a great jam with all three of us at the end. Was a good time last eve, great space, nice crowd, and free food and drink!!!

Next week I'll be doin' the dirty down at the AS220 in Providence (that's this coming Friday, May 2nd), with Moment, Navicon Torture Technologies, Wilt, and the {law-rah] collective.

For info and specifics, check out:

or drop by the Dark Seeds News group on Yahoo:

...where we usually list all new upcoming events... reminder: this ain't dance music folks... just dunna want you to be surprised if you show up lookin' for "groove in grind". =)

Peace All and thanks for reading.

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