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Latronic Notron

Latronic Notron
O/P Message 1/7
17-May-02 @ 12:57 PM
Pure Phase
Posts: 51
Has anyone used the Latronic Notron?
It is a UK made hardware sequencer. Designed for playing live and creating tunes live. Howie B uses two of them (see the latest SOS ).
They look really cool....

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RE: Latronic Notron
Message 2/7
17-May-02 @ 03:25 PM
Posts: 3,872
I've only heard it talked about but I remember it was always in praise of it. Are they still being made though? I thought there weren't any more being produced.

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RE: Latronic Notron
Message 3/7
17-May-02 @ 06:45 PM
Posts: 659
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They are no longer being made, unfortunately... Damned hard to find second hand too...

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RE: Latronic Notron
Message 4/7
18-May-02 @ 03:57 AM
Posts: 2,003
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sick boxes. I think I want one. VERY hard to find. I'd like the get the second gen, they seem to be of better construction, thought they don't look quite as cool as the first.


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RE: Latronic Notron
Message 5/7
18-May-02 @ 03:39 PM
Posts: 1,076
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nobody had one. as in 'kill all humans', that is.

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RE: Latronic Notron
Message 6/7
19-May-02 @ 03:12 AM
Posts: 659
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Well if any of you come across one for sale an' you dunna want it yersef, pass the word on, as I too am a seeker of the mysterious notron....(insert bad organ music)... tune in next time when you'll hear Sally say "Touch my notron and I'll puree your nuts...."


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RE: Latronic Notron
Message 7/7
19-May-02 @ 03:52 AM
Posts: 2,890
Link: Link
howie b uses a drumtraks and a couple of nords. improvises all his synth sequences (with the notrons), prepares drum sequences and sounds before the gig.

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