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behringer eurodesk SX2442fx

behringer eurodesk SX2442fx
O/P Message 1/7
01-May-09 @ 03:33 AM
Posts: 4
hey guys, i need some help. i just bought a behringer eurodesk sx2442fx and i wanna know how can i connect it to get each input a different channels. for ex if im recording a drum set with 7 mic. mic 1 channel 1 for the bass drum. mic 2 channel 2 for the snare and so on. how can i get that to work so it can show on the software.

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RE: behringer eurodesk SX2442fx
Message 2/7
03-May-09 @ 01:40 PM
Posts: 12,353
Link: Link
you'd have to take direct out's from each channel using the INSERT sockets on each channel and send those to the DAW record inputs, or send the drum channels to the 4 subgroups and send those to your DAW record inputs (but that only gives you 4 record inputs at the same time)

the insert is TIP = SEND & RING = RETURN so you can use a normal mono 1/4" guitar type jack plug lead and take a signal out from each channel insert to your daw

I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!
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RE: behringer eurodesk SX2442fx
Message 3/7
04-May-09 @ 05:11 AM
Posts: 4
how can i get direct out's insert sockets?? i called behringer and stuff i told them i want around 8 different channels. they said to get an interface with 8 inputs cause interface gives you each input a different right?? and they said to connect the mics into the mixer and the main outs or w.e to the interface.. wat u think?? would dat work??

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RE: behringer eurodesk SX2442fx
Message 4/7
06-May-09 @ 10:01 AM
Posts: 11,382
If you need 8 seperate record tracks at the same time, yes you will need an 8-input audio interface

one of the cheapest is the m-audio Delta 1010LT which is a pci card with a breakout cluster of 8 inputs (including 2 mic inputs) and 8 outputs + stereo digital in/out

but do you really need to record 8 inputs at the same time?

"In other countries, art and literature are left to a lot of shabby bums living in attics and feeding on booze and spaghetti, but in America the successful writer or picture-painter is indistinguishable from any other decent business man!" - Babbit
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RE: behringer eurodesk SX2442fx
Message 5/7
06-May-09 @ 02:38 PM
Posts: 4
oh ok. i was looking to get the tascam us-1641. well yea im looking to record drums and all that soon. so im looking it to buy it now so later i dont need to upgrade and stuff.. but thanks.

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RE: behringer eurodesk SX2442fx
Message 6/7
07-May-09 @ 03:53 AM
Posts: 11,382
That tascam would be ok, and really you dont need a mixer then if the tascam can be close to your drumkit when recording so that a mic cables can reach it

you can eq etc inside your sequencer. with low latency devices like the tascam you can add eq and other fx in realtime if you monitor via a stereo pair output with 'software-monitoring' enabled.

it's nice to have real mixer, but it can be done ok without. The tascam has 8 mic amps which is enuff to do a kit, plus you have additional line inputs to take DI from bass etc. If you need more than 8 mics on the kit then just buy a 1 or 2 channel mic pre-amp and connect that to the tascam line inputs to add on 1 or 2 more mic channels.

"In other countries, art and literature are left to a lot of shabby bums living in attics and feeding on booze and spaghetti, but in America the successful writer or picture-painter is indistinguishable from any other decent business man!" - Babbit
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RE: behringer eurodesk SX2442fx
Message 7/7
07-May-09 @ 05:03 AM
Posts: 4
right right yea i man i know i didnt really need a mixer. but its nice to have one lol.. and i just bought it now been like 2weeks so im not jus gunna go and sell it now.. but thanks wit all da help

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