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techno percussion

techno percussion
O/P Message 1/8
05-Sep-00 @ 05:33 AM
Brent Finch
Posts: 0
Link: Link
when u listen to techno , and by this i mean the likes of jeff mills , dve clarke , technasia , dj rush and the likes and not the rave-ish stuff
there's always some great hihat-crash)-ride-perc patters i can t seem to find out myself , so if any has an idea...

There's also this sound of the complete record reversed , i mean it sounds like it , but ive tried and that isnt the thing to do so once again , any1 have an idea??

other techno tricks welcome too

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RE: techno percussion
Message 2/8
25-Sep-00 @ 06:54 AM
Posts: 424
layer the hi-hats.. clean ones/dirty ones/dephased ones.

there's been loads of stuff mentioned.. do a search for techno in this forum.

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RE: techno percussion
Message 3/8
26-Sep-00 @ 05:54 PM
Posts: 0
I have noticed that if i go to add a second hi hat loop atop another, i get real bad phasing. How do you prevent this? Do i need to high pass filter the second loop till i no longer hear the phasing. Haven't had time to try this.

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RE: techno percussion
Message 4/8
27-Sep-00 @ 07:18 AM
Posts: 424
try using different hihat sounds

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RE: techno percussion
Message 5/8
09-Oct-00 @ 01:32 PM
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You really can't prevent the slight phasing if you have two copies of the same loop so you have more or less 2 options:

1) Don't use loops. Writing your own hihat patterns will give better and more original results. And no phasing problems.


2) Pitch the loops up and down a bit to get some proper detuning and pan them left and right. That way you can use the phasing to your advantage, making a fatter, wider sound.

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RE: techno percussion
Message 6/8
10-Oct-00 @ 11:57 PM
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Link: Link
And the reversing sound is often just done in digital multitracking...

(reverse the waveform of a quarter note)

The kicks, I've not mastered, though. I always get (electronic) "c-thmp" when I need "KKCK - " (slammy-reverb).

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RE: techno percussion
Message 7/8
11-Oct-00 @ 04:08 AM
Posts: 0
I'll have to listen to what your talking about I'm an electro/acid freak but it might be a 707 crash.I don't know though.

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RE: techno percussion
Message 8/8
11-Oct-00 @ 11:07 AM
Posts: 424
a delay unit can help with the hihats also.. and don't be afraid to use white noise as an open sound, drop it low in the mix and if using a sampler dephase it so it's panned left&right at the same time.. layer that with the hat's patterns and the hifreq start to clash.. then the real rythmical patterns will emerge.

basically layering hats etc.

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