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Preparing tracks for the club

Preparing tracks for the club
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14-Jun-02 @ 05:23 PM
Matt Hutch
Posts: 0
Are clubs stereo? I'm trying to understand if I need to have some stereo tracks in my 'live' rig or if I can get away with mono.

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RE: Preparing tracks for the club
Message 2/8
14-Jun-02 @ 07:16 PM
Posts: 659
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You could probably get away with mono in any case... However, just ring the club and ask, if you need to know. I'd suggest having your setup in stereo, BUT then go ahead and take the time to make sure your set sounds okay in mono, too. Never hurts to be prepared....

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RE: Preparing tracks for the club
Message 3/8
15-Jun-02 @ 12:42 PM
Posts: 5,701
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stuff usually sounds more powerfull in mono, and most people wouldnt get the propper stereo picture anyway unless they are standing between monitors

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RE: Preparing tracks for the club
Message 4/8
15-Jun-02 @ 06:08 PM
Posts: 5,701
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sorry... got cut off. anyway, you´d be fine in mono. if you go stereo check how your stuff sounds in mono first, just as a safety precaution. you might be loosing some information there, but not necesarily.

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RE: Preparing tracks for the club
Message 5/8
17-Jun-02 @ 01:43 PM
Pure Phase
Posts: 51
It is worth making sure your main sounds are all mono, especially things like bass drums. Otherwise it will seem weak.

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RE: Preparing tracks for the club
Message 6/8
17-Jun-02 @ 06:54 PM
Posts: 7,627
why would a bass drum be anything BUT mono?

you just have to watch for phase cancellation/reinforcement. Ive heard mixes that were HUGE in stereo, and then you hit mono on the mix and shit literally disappears

or you have two bass sounds and when you mono them they STACK and suddenly you have GODZILLA BASS. sounds cool on paper but it doesnt work.

so..if your mixer has a mono sum function just do that while youre mixing and see how it goes. I prefer to leave my mixes stereo.

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RE: Preparing tracks for the club
Message 7/8
18-Jun-02 @ 08:37 AM
Posts: 2,082
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For some odd reason I've always recorded mono, even after getting a new PC. Only just recently started recording in stereo and I really notice the frequencies "freeing up" if you will. Since then I'm starting to really think about multitracking... but that's a whole different forum ;)

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RE: Preparing tracks for the club
Message 8/8
18-Jun-02 @ 09:56 AM
Posts: 6,231
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maarten - urging you  

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