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sofware eq

software eq
O/P Message 1/8
10-Mar-06 @ 10:25 AM
Posts: 1,128
Soft eq. Can someone recommend me the best eq software that 'll work in Logic 5.5 on the PC? I won't be able to buy UAD or anything that requires its on PCI slot/card thing. Plus I want to be able to zoom in on specific frequencies with that Q thing. Cheers gents.

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RE: sofware eq
Message 2/8
10-Mar-06 @ 10:57 AM
Posts: 12,353
take your pick mate, they all work as far as i can tell.. dx or vst.

Are the built in eq options not doing it for you then?

I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!
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RE: sofware eq
Message 3/8
10-Mar-06 @ 12:08 PM
Rags .aka. Welder
Posts: 649
Link: Link
Ultafunk made a great package with all kinds of effects (including eq) that sounded pretty transparent to me. But they went bust and Cakewalk bought them, so not sure if the package is still available.

Elemental audio makes a nice EQ called Equium but its 130 bucks and quite fraknly I don't believe that it sounds that better than the stock logic plugz. But they have a demo for you to test.

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RE: sofware eq
Message 4/8
10-Mar-06 @ 12:36 PM
Posts: 1,128
cheers. well i s'posse i'm guilty of thinking that because logic 5.5 is a fair few years old now, that eq software has moved onto a different level but maybe i'm nit picking.

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RE: sofware eq
Message 5/8
11-Mar-06 @ 07:08 AM
Rags .aka. Welder
Posts: 649
Link: Link
SOnitus fx plugz

This one is more transparent I think, the Elemental Audio stuff has some kind of slightly "darker" feel to it. But maybe its just because of the GUI

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RE: sofware eq
Message 6/8
13-Mar-06 @ 09:13 AM
Posts: 1,128
Anyone used Sonalkis?

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RE: sofware eq
Message 7/8
13-Mar-06 @ 09:41 PM
Posts: 4,573
Link: Link
Well, if you want an EQ that actually sounds GOOD, and might actually make you a better mixer due to its design... oh, and it's free.... well...

Nyquist EQ is pretty sweet. Its UI is not traditional... no Hz or dB indicators, so you need to use your ears. But a cool thing about it is that it auto-levels your signal as you boost/cut to maintain headroom/eliminate distortion. Highly recommended. Sound way better than most EQ's you pay for.

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RE: sofware eq
Message 8/8
17-Mar-06 @ 10:37 AM
Posts: 1,128
Cheers (again) Psy. Will def check these out. One quick question though? I have tried out all the different combinations within Logic but I am intereted in the theory aswell - my new (basic) channel plug order is :-

Vintage Warmer
Sonic Maximiser
Logic Fat EQ
Vinatge Warmer

Other plugs make their way into the patch depending on what instrument it is , eg - delay, autofilter, flange, chorus, etc but I always start my channel strip with a compressor and end it with a compressor so wouldn't this mean that the headroom is always maintained by the final Vinatge Warmer in the chain?

Am I right in thinking that’s its best to compress before EQ?

Also some feedback for you - you were right (again) - I did a big 1 day experiment and compared Logics EQ with my Mackie EQ in a mixdown across all individual tracks and using the Logic EQ sounded way better than using the Mackie EQ. I think you were right when you said that my DAW is a lot better than my old analogue desk BUT……..I still like using my focusrite compressors especially that old NYC stereo drum compression technique where I have 2 stereo drum tracks - one dry and one compressed to shit, then balance them so in light of that how would you recommend that I use both - do you think its better to have say all my drum tracks on individual tracks within Logic (balance them in there) and route them out to a stereo track on my desk? Maybe I should do the same with guitars and keyboard sounds, etc - mix them in Logic and then route them to a stereo pair on my desk?

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