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O/P Message 1/9
19-Mar-01 @ 06:18 PM
Posts: 12,353
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i really like that carrier track, just had it running on a loop for 1/2 hour.... nice.

I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!
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RE: darkstate
Message 2/9
22-Mar-01 @ 09:46 AM
Posts: 1,584
Link: Link
Cheers man!!!  

I'll pass the props straight on to our bwoy Jam! Basically the track is finished bar a tweak here and there on the mix and "mastering"..  

If you got some d/l bandwidth and would like the full-fat version U can grab it from our site or just shout and I'll throw ya the MP3 sumhow..


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RE: darkstate
Message 3/9
22-Mar-01 @ 12:02 PM
Posts: 1,584
Link: Link
Thanks for the feedback K (just checked the other thread) - now there are a few more bods in our collective, there'll be some nice variety in our repertoire.. ;)

Just upped a few of our older tracks to mix up the flavour a bit...  


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RE: darkstate
Message 4/9
24-Mar-01 @ 11:00 PM
Posts: 3,872
Listened to the carrier track too. Nice. Love the intro. Listened to Lounge as well. Nice and dark. Like the groove. Male vocal reminds me of someone. Damn the names just at the tip of my tongue. Oh shit I know...maybe it's the bit rate on the mp3 but it reminds me of how Zappa sounded sometimes. Sphwew. Glad that won't be haunting me all night. Is that Lianne doing the female vocal there? Certainly the Zappa-esque voice isn't her.

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RE: darkstate
Message 5/9
26-Mar-01 @ 11:29 AM
Maarten Visser
Posts: 2,082
Link: Link
I somehow get errors when trying to d/l or play your tunes.... something about wrongs formats(?)

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RE: darkstate
Message 6/9
26-Mar-01 @ 11:40 AM
Posts: 1,584
Link: Link
Weird... They submitted fine, and other ppl have streamed 'em from DT.. have a word with K, see if he can shed any light on the matter..

Failing that Maarten, if you've got okay d/l bandwidth those tunes are up at a decent(ish) mp3 bitrate on our website (its not on a great server at the mo' though..)

Hope you get the chance to have a listen...


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RE: darkstate
Message 7/9
26-Mar-01 @ 03:40 PM
Maarten Visser
Posts: 2,082
Link: Link
Tried again, got the following :
"MMSYSTEM296 The filecannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file may be corrupted , or not in the correct format."
Don't recieve the problem when d/l tracks from other users... BTW, LOVE the Belly Dance Girl tune, Sitar.
Marc, I'll try your webpage.


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RE: darkstate
Message 8/9
28-Mar-01 @ 03:04 PM
Posts: 1,584
Link: Link
New "GroovaMoova" track for ya'll.. "Curves'N'Colours" - kinda uplifting prog house tip, this is a quick'n'dirty non-vocal test mix to get a feel for how it'll sound...

n.b. A LOT of the detail in the hihats, mix balancing and phasing/filtering fx seems to be missing in this lo-fi stream but it should give ya'll an idea of where we're goin'..  )

Comments welcome please.....  


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RE: darkstate
Message 9/9
28-Mar-01 @ 03:55 PM
Posts: 1,584
Link: Link
Also just posted "RAZORS EDGE"... feeling a bit prolific at the moment..

Both new tracks need final mixdown/engineering/mastering and I appreciate some elements aren't quite there yet but...

Feedback anyone?!  )


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