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Kick Drum Latency

Kick Drum Latency
O/P Message 1/9
30-Oct-00 @ 01:49 PM
Posts: 0
Aight, Cubase 3.7, A4k into Mackie 1604, into Lex core 2 sound card. Pent 2, 128 megs, forgot processor speed, whatev, fast enough to record audio properly. Set the Midi to audio delay to -2064, this seems to work enough to get the samples to line up right.

Nice groove being sent to A4k through midi, Kick, snare, clap, percus, monitoring from Mixer. Kick's perfectly lined up in groove. Record groove into cugbase, each instr. to seperate channels. Kick seems late in the mix. If i lower the kicks fader in mix it settles in better, but i want the kick up front DAMIT! Does this happen to anyone else or what?


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RE: Kick Drum Latency
Message 2/9
30-Oct-00 @ 02:04 PM
Posts: 424
so your using cubase to play and record everything, it works fine when you just play.. but as soon as you record (on multiple tracks) it all falls apart?

why not just record the kick track seperately into it's own track, is there an absolute need to record ewverything at the same time? do one track at a time.

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RE: Kick Drum Latency
Message 3/9
30-Oct-00 @ 02:06 PM
Posts: 424
btw - on the sampler, stick all your samples into a Soundbank, this will make them play tighter.

you can still view samples in banks and treat them the same as non-bank samples.

the ax000 samplers have to look for each sample everytime a midi note plays.. unless it is in a bank, then the sampler allready knows where it is hence no millisecond delays that screw up your grooves..

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RE: Kick Drum Latency
Message 4/9
30-Oct-00 @ 04:59 PM
Posts: 0
Alright, i got some info so far. It's when i use the built in compressor plug in that the time gets screwd. i even tried exporting the bouncing the audio with the compression and that does not work either. I'll let ya know what else happens. Anyone else have this prob???

Oh by the way, i do all the things you mentioned above already, but thanks for your help. = )


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RE: Kick Drum Latency
Message 5/9
30-Oct-00 @ 07:15 PM
Posts: 0
if that soundcard needs to be offset AT ALL get rid of it.. thoise days are long gone - any decent audio card will have the audio 100% IN SYNC WITH NO ADJUSTMENTS REQUIRED - so dump it FAST - man even a 50 quid hoontech XG card can deal with that.

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RE: Kick Drum Latency
Message 6/9
31-Oct-00 @ 03:56 AM
Posts: 0
Well i must say that certainly sounds good. I'm not saying i don't beleive ya, but is there really mid priced sound cards that truly are 100% Garunteed latency free cards? I never heard of that card, i will find out more about it. I certainly would enjoy that, in fact, i almost can't imagine it... Anyone else care to comment on this??? I hear conflicting stories on this, and i'm definately not an engineer. Just a guy who loves da Bang ass TECHNO!


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RE: Kick Drum Latency
Message 7/9
31-Oct-00 @ 01:41 PM
Posts: 0
no no - latencuy has nothing to do with the parts being in sync with the midi when recorded - are you using a seperate midi I/O device to the soundcard itself ?...

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RE: Kick Drum Latency
Message 8/9
06-Nov-00 @ 03:31 PM
Posts: 0
Ok Sorry i took so long, had issues... Well you are correct, my audio had a latency problems, but i use a low latency check on the card and it brought it from 47 to 6 miliseconds. This was causing major audio crackling but i ended up disabling the USB ports and that stopped that. NOw,... i have recorded tracks and... if i play back audio claps and hats recorded in cubase along with the same parts being sent midi, all monitoring from the Makcie, the are not lining up. Sounds like a big gallop. Is this what you mean? Am i finaly getting it? Is this now grounds to ditch? What card do you recomend that will stop all this nonsense for around 200 quid thats got 1/4 inch inputs?

Thanks Bro>


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RE: Kick Drum Latency
Message 9/9
06-Nov-00 @ 03:45 PM
Posts: 0
sorry i forgot to answer your question fully, i have an old midiman 4X4. I just recently sent it in to have 3 new chips put in to update it though. Now i'm having problems with a. the audio not being in sink with other audio parts ie hats, claps gallop. And b. the recorded audio not being in sink with the original midi parts if i monitor them both at the same time through the mixer. Although i must say the time is dead on when i'm just monitoring midi only coming out of my a4k sampler. Could you tell me what i'm experiencing is normal as oposed to what is not in a professional realm of recording?

THanks again K

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