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Subject: Artist image size

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Original Message 1/9             04-Mar-04  @  08:44 AM   -   Artist image size


Posts: 507

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This is not a bug report, but rather a question/suggestion.

I was looking at my artist page on 7161 (the one that loads when you click on an artist name eg. on the chart). I have an "artist image" uploaded, but it shows up much smaller than the original size, still the whole image is downloaded (and then shrank by the html renderer of the browser).

Is there a reason behind having that image de-magnified at all? I mean it doesn't save on network, it looks pretty ugly (there is not much re-sampling in browsers for image resizing), and it IS allowed to upload a 200*200 jpg, still it will be displayed around 100*100 and that doesn't add much to the overall feeling of the page.

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Message 2/9             04-Mar-04  @  09:43 AM   -   RE: Artist image size


Posts: 4573

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you image geek.

good point tho...

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Message 3/9             04-Mar-04  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: Artist image size


Posts: 12353

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yeah - we dicided to make them all the same size for the catalog pages - just like if they were in cd-now or amazon

this we hope encourages people to compose their artwork accordingly

graphics is about fitting the design to the medium, so it's worth thinking about it cos it has to fit on CD's and thumbnails etc.

I think it might show bigger on any created homepage tho

obviously see, people would sometimes upload a huge image and it was rediculous


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/9             05-Mar-04  @  04:21 AM   -   RE: Artist image size



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it was nice the way it used to be.

graphics is about being able to SEE the medium.

and who's we?

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Message 5/9             05-Mar-04  @  04:40 AM   -   RE: Artist image size



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if space is such an issue....why don't WE run through and find all the artists who consume space here who've....years later even > never bothered to upload ONE track and yet still consume space with images and content?!!
i've encountered at least 20 artists here who have nothing to share and yet consume precious space.
imagine being a new visitor and finding this artist page saying hey look at this guy and voila...zilch. how alluring is that?
lose some of this dead weight.
time to clear the shed out a bit.

plus....i haven't a clue what cd-format has to do with the size of our main dt/7161 artist-page image here?

i mean...if it means getting active! artist! images!!!! larger than a pinhead.....i say it's worth it.

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Message 6/9             05-Mar-04  @  06:25 AM   -   RE: Artist image size


Posts: 507

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"we dicided to make them all the same size for the catalog pages [...] this we hope encourages people to compose their artwork accordingly"


On the admin page it says maximum 200*200. Its getting displayed on the catalog page somewhere ~ 100*100. By this you actually encourage ppl not to put any effort into that piece of jpg, becuase it will be anyway resized by the browser and will look bad.

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Message 7/9             05-Mar-04  @  10:30 AM   -   RE: Artist image size



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Message 8/9             05-Mar-04  @  02:54 PM   -   RE: Artist image size



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what puzzles me is how we're sometimes asked our opinion on matters such as an old dt clock...whether directory buttons should spin etc>
stuff which really doesn't have any bearing on what we're doing as individual artists.
and yet never asked about something as relevant as the very first thing people see when they hit our artist-pages.

it really p'd-me-off when that wank from some university posted like 40 album covers...grateful dead and crap....which totally consumes space...for a thread which no one will ever EVER visit again.
a little consistency in regards to who gets what space for what purposes would be nice.

one more thought while i'm ranting....and i'm not sure if this possible...but links to "my images" might be nice from our artist pages. such as for our studios since we're already taking up space there it might be possible to kill 2 birds w/ 1 stone. we could direct viewers to certain images that might be relevant/interesting to who we are as people..... such as to pictures of andrew's dog and cat etc.
problem with this idea is it might encourage us to upload more goofy pictures of our aunt mae and stuff....the homies next door>
: )

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Message 9/9             06-Mar-04  @  01:09 AM   -   RE: Artist image size



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and u know what else puzzles me?

how the world even spins on it's tippy-top sometimes.

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