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Alesis HD 24


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Alesis HD 24

Category:  Products / studio equipment / digital multitrack

Added: 15-Mar-02  |  Author: admin

New price: 1,159.00 Euros  |   S/H price: Not listed

Alesis HD 24

Alesis HD 24 , 24-Track Hard Disk Recorder, 24 tracks of high-resolution 24-bit recording at standard sample rates of 44.1kHz, 48 kHz, or at 88.2kHz and 96kHz with a forthcoming 96 kHz I/O option, 24 channels of 24-bit analog I/O , 24 channels ADAT optical.

Here's the rear of the HD24 - All the i/o sockets are shown - The removed left-side area simply houses the mains voltage power switch & connector socket - As you can see the HD24 has 24 analog 1/4" i/o, ADAT optical I/O and you can see the ETHERNET connector on the left which is used to add the HD24 to a PC network

Open a large front image of HD24

We used the HD24 to record the band SENSER live, and it was a fantastic machine I must say. Despite the fact there was no user-manual when we picked it up, and due to traffic problems picking the unit up we only had a short time to 'learn' it back at the venue... however, the gig recording went well and has since been mixed by the band's producer and released as a DVD product.

High points for me with the HD24 were: easy to obtain media on standard IDE hard drives - Easy to replace media using the drive caddy's - Best of all is the way you can transfer data off the unit by allocating it an IP address and simply adding it to a PC network! - Transfer speed is not the highest, but it works easily and it means anyone can attach the HD24 to their home PC/MAC and transfer the audio data into their favourite multitrack software editor for final mix.

You can watch a video documentary of that live session, inc' footage showing the setup procedure & transfer of the recording to an editing machine over the network back at base in a little movie we made here:

Recording Senser Live @ The Underworld

Product Videos

Alesis adat HD24 repair

How to replace the displays on an Alesis adat HD24 hard disk recorder. ...

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no user manual

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User Comments

Product:  Alesis - HD 24
Name: Dow Fereday LTS Studio
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 04-Dec-07

Rock Solid machine, initial problem with duff Hard drive..really good Alesis helpline by email
HD24 doesn't like too much level.. keep it in the yellow portion.. get some extra caddies. 20 to 40GB IDE drives are cheaper and have a longer life than 24 track 2" tape
Have only ever used at 48K/24bit and very pleased with the result
ethernet very slow 3min song 8 tracks will take half an hour to download into your editor
So just bought the fireport...will comment later

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Product:  Alesis - HD 24
Name: Dow Fereday
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 25-Feb-08

Alesis Fireport has brilliant download speed 10 times faster than ethernet for editing wavs on your computer (8 tracks 4min song in 3min download)
I find 40 to 80Gb drives are the right size for up to 10 projects any bigger than this means you have 40+ songs on 1 Hard drive not a good idea (if your still paranoid about digital) Having said that only ever lost 1 song due to power outage during recording session (currently have 4 caddies and 8 hard disks) IDE drives can be sourced and really cost effective
Been compressing tracks (focusrite and behringer...dont laugh) pre recording with much better results

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Product:  Alesis - HD 24
Name: Dow Fereday
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 09-May-13

fireport much the same only marginally faster to transfer
search HD24Tools from that great bloke Marc Brevoort

HD24 in conjunction with 8 channel focusrite octopre and half a dozen condensers = great portable recording setup in a rack!!

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