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Category:  Products / audio interfaces / soundcards (analog, adat, s/pdif)

Added: 04-Jan-99  |  Author: admin

New price: £ 329  |   S/H price: ??


This is DAL's Digital S/PDIF Stand-alone card. It's a very good card, and I use it for all my digital transfers from DAT.....and it's the Dogs Nuts !!!

Having digital transfer is great, cos you can archive any session audio on H/Drive that you might want to remix in the future. You can also return DAT mixes into the PC with no signal degredation for stereo editing or CD and tape compilation, & if you're re-mixing...then it's straight into the PC from DAT, with no signal loss or extra noise....and straight out again to DAT as you mix.....ORGASMIC !!

In this area, there is very little product competition, and DAL have established themselves fairly well in the stand alone S/PDIF card area........You can get S/PDIF on the new Turtle Beach Pinnacle, but the thing is, that the Pinnacle Digital card, only comes as a Piggy-back Daughterboard for the Pinnacle audio card.....DAL also make a Daughterboard version of this Digital card for their "Audio Card D+".

So if you have already got a good soundcard, the DAL Digital is the only stand-alone available from the two companies. There are other digital cards around, such as the Midiman "D-Man" Card, but the DAL has a pretty solid reputation...The "D-Man" card retails at about £ 229, so it is cheaper, but I don't know of its quality........The DAL "Digital Only Card D" has dropped in price to £ 329.......A bargain !!

Anyhow, here's the spec' list :

  • Format: S/PDIF
  • Connectors : RCA
  • Sample Rates: 48, 44.1, 32kHz
  • 16Bit AT Bus Slot
  • Windows, Windows 95, and Windows NT compatible

Bare in mind that these DAL cards require 2 IRQ's to install, as they utilise a seperate interrupt for each direction of signal flow.....

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Name: exxosphere
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

To the guy who was wondering for the quality compared to MAXI 64 Home studio : BEWARE !!! The M64 is NOT a professional-speced board like the CardD. I remember reading in a testbench a while ago that there was a small "sample pace recovery" problem on its SPDIF input at one frequency (48 kHz, I think), the other not being affected. They said it was minor, and u could only hear it on very poor harmonic contents like 'mathematical' waveforms (sine,...) but I didn't experienced it myself anyway....Dont know if it was fixed since. So the Maxi64 is apparently a nice soundcard but wont fit for pro/high-end applications. Once again, u always get what you pay for....

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Name: Bob Magnuson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

I enjoyed your site and thank you freely sharing the information with the world.I have been using Card D for audio with my PC and I recently bought the digital card.When I opened my computor I realized i didn`t have another ISA slot for it.There arePCI slots available so my question is -Does Card D Digital come in a PCI format?

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Name: Andrew Wasson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I have a DAL Card D Plus and up till now have had very good results, but...... now I'm having some problems with recording. Playback is and always has been amazing. The problem I have been experiencing has been a distortion on both channels when recording, and it makes no difference where I place jumpers 5, and 6. I also have a soundblaster 16, and when I use it to record I experience no distortion when recording. I'm using a Fostex model 450 mixer before the Card D Plus, and changing input levels doesn't make a difference with it either. Have you had this experience? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I've got lots of Ram, and a pretty fast H/D, and am using a cyrix 686 120 chip. I know it will perform better than it is, but I just need to work out this one bug. I'm using Pro-Audio 7 as my sequencer, recorder. Anyway Thanks, Andrew Wasson.

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Name: Jimi Jones
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Great Card,I bought mine second-hand from a

Computer Engineer who didn't know what he had, and

he sold it to me for $100.00 good-god, I use it

with my DAT and my DCC decks for superb digital

tranfers, bad thing though is it isn't software

upgradable for future uses such as 24-bit digital

some of the newer digital cards are offering this,

this is a very good feature for protecting your


Jimi Jones

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Name: nullaqua
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

I need a good digi I/O card.

How does this card compare to the digi I/O of the Maxisound Homestudio 64 pro ?

I would prefer getting a good alround card like the Maxisound, but at the end of the day its the recording quality that counts...

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Name: Reginald McMillan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

I need drivers for the Gigasampler , the Midiman has these drivers,I don't want to change to the Midiman

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Name: ronald weech
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

i really love using your D.A.L. card D plus at home and would like to take it on the road with me. i just bought this really nice lap-top and was wondering if you have the same thing in a PCMCIA format. it's got to be stereo in and out, 48 khz tops and full duplexing. if you don't, then could you please point me in the right direction? thank you.

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Name: ronald joseph weech
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

i have your card at home in my desktop and was wondering if you guys have a card for a lap top using a PCMCIA slot? i need it for the road.

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Name: Geartracker
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 05-Apr-99

Er, I can't seem to get this... How can you rate

the quality of a digital card? It has NO D/A

convertors so all you have to do is look at the

drivers and the quality in/ out/ jacks! In this

case I can't see why this card should be better

than the cheaper Midiman "D-Man"...

Or am I all wrong?

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Name: Bernardo Lage
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

It's a good board. But, in this function "Digital only",

the hohnermidia Prodif24 is very superior, with

optical and coaxial digital SPDIF AES/EBU i/o.

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Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Well Yizoo....It is a stand-alone S/PDIF card....

Agree about the price....it's a bit high....but excellent quality....

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Name: Yizoo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Apr-99

Too expensive. But they've got plenty users in the states. I won't budge til they come down w' the price tag... Hate

non-stand-alones anyway... Let the i/o card war begin... Bout time donyathink?

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Name: HAGU CD-Produktion
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 05-Apr-99

Suche dringent funktionierenden Treiber für Win NT 4.0

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