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Emu E5000


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Emu E5000

Category:  Products / samplers / e-mu samplers

Added: 10-Dec-99  |  Author: admin

New price: £ 1299  |   S/H price: --

Emu E5000

well... the sampler of my dreams is all I can say !! - it auto samples, truncates & normalises samples as you record... nice... wonder if it can do that from a cd of loops whilst you go and make a cuppa like the a3000 can ??... The 'E' is 64 note tops (unexpandable) some might see that as the biggest drawback, cos in a way, whilst for loads of applications and most dance styles 64 note poly is stacks of notes, it aint going to cut it in larger composition work or filmscore, .. and that seems to belie it's other capabilities which ARE up to that standard what with EBU AES code socket options dig i/o etc... oh well.. for our purposes of dance-music creations, and for beginners or recent additions to the music-making cohorts worldwide, 64 note poly is alot... and as you'll see, if you so choose when you feel a future spending spree coming on, you can add in extra editable but ready to go sounds for instant gratification as an option over buying a seperate hardware synth, ...

option cards are: an extra midi port /sockets.. Dig i/o, wordclock, or the adat option 16 out 8 in... also there's a 4 out upgrade to 8 balanced poly outs.. you can also plugin a pc keyboard for naming samples & patches etc etc -

with the synthesis at this e-mu level, (and that goes for all e-mu samplers going right back) it's also a synth, cos the features for synthesis are up to it as always but with more power as you go up the range, also e-mu's disks have great sounds as well as thousands of imitations all mapped and ready to play on library - it also reads akai series emax2, roly s700 cdrom or scsi.... plus you can get rom bank upgrades ready to go presets & waves... the E5000 has zplane & morphing filters etc sweep filters, 2 lfo's & 3 6 way adsr's phaser & flanger etc.. plus the fx remember... which are included not option.

Plus, you got a flash memory option, 16 or 32 mb, sounds can be saved and organised on the flash... (for newbies, the flashram saves on powerdown, so when you boot, the sounds are ready to go...) that'd be no-doubt expensive, but it's be good for live work

also... there is the ability to add in a mega synth !!!.... two rom option upgrades- ,... each with 500 presets from either the E-synth , or the Orbit/planet-Phatt range...

As far as the ram goes - it's 128mb max...

on top of all the digital-processing functions which look after the raw samples lower level functions, the digital synthesis function which assigns samples to map's, & add's synthesis... and the fx section which add's ...fx... you also get E-mu's 'Beat-munging' section? !!... (sounds like an offence one could commit in a public lavatory !! :-)... basically it's a time-slice sample mangling bit similar to the yamaha a3000 beat randomising etc section which throws out variations chopped and re-ordered etc.... The e-mu version allows stuff like re-grooving sliced grooves etc etc the sorta tasks you can do with a recycle or wavesurgeon type s/w - all in all for the raw sounds, lots of creativity & wierdness...

50 pin SCSI is standard - balanced analog stereo In & 4 balanced poly outs all on 1/4" as standard... and aha !! .. it also has the Optional EOS Link software for Mac or PC which allows remote operation of your E5000 Ultra - that'll be nice if it works ok...

Blimey !! - all in all, youve got the pretty much full-blown synthesis certainly up to making the oddests variations or loading up some of the best 'classic' imitations in the samopler world... e-mu samplers really hum as synths beleive me... theyve been at it for years, and it's pretty easy with their rptocol to grasp... once you define the keyboard area you want to treat, you ust select a function, and by assigning that function to a list of sources, you create routings for pretty much a well covered set of options for creative use... you can easily assign a sweep filter to velocity or aftertouch in a twinkle and/or assign the filter cutoff or res to annother controller whatever... it's quite easily laid out & logical on e-mu's... I'd say they are the easiest to learn and get to work with of all the makes -

add to that the ability to add-in 2 quality major synths, and then create tracks assigning parts to up to 16 outs for mixing or direct to ana adat equipt digital mixer in's... plus the fx... pretty damned powerful i'd say.. !!... i know e-mu's interface style, and it is very user freindly usually... i guess this will be no excetion... (it also does resampling with fx ! - hello !!...

you may see it as a downside to get only 4mb ram icluded, but my god, that's PLENTY to turn out a storming tune, even without the additional optional synth-roms... maybe the poly might seem a bit low given th rest of it is so well spec'd.. but again 64 notes is alot if the style is shart stabbing things as opposed to lots of huge layered pads evolving... you might want a bit more memory for a gig, but again 4mb is enuff for a set if you plan... remember with samplers you can compose, then create production disks for live work, that just load up keyma's of presets that are actually going to be played/sounded... that way you save wastefull top & bottom end samples which are covering parts of the scale you don't play - ok, it only saves small memory in most cases, but it all add's up, reduces load times & what have you... also, jugle with the sample rates,,, creates WAY more time on 4mb... Roland X0X drum sounds sampled at 30k or so... fine , save memory alot... same with vinyl loops... in alot of cases sampling them at 20k (11k playback is plenty - 10k is pretty damned high in the hearing range... it's the very top end sparkle on a microverb -1 reverb area... high... anyways - for the newbies, 4mb is plenty to create quality music without an upgrade... nice one E-mu... a class sampler at a little over a K... not bad.. give it a year, they'll be knocking these out at 800-900 ish ..

so for the poor-asses out there - don't fret.. cos this simply means the samplers you CAN afford are going to go down a touch in value... and also don't worry, cos this is a very advanced instrument for a newbie, and any of the cheap s/h samplers from either E-mu's range or the competitors will let you make great music...

Yup, this E5000 is pretty up there ... lets see how much the 'options' come out at... I'll check that out... but, if you have money, a quality sound-mangling E-mu can be yours routed direct to an automated digital mix or an analog board or direct thru fx to dat or pc for burning via s/pdif etc etc...

Anyone using one ?... lucky git !!... leave some comments & let us know if it drives as good etc....

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User Comments

Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Peat Biby
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-Jan-00

I have one expanded with the ROM Sets,
Planet phatt/orbit and the E-synth, I wasn't sure I could load both of them in, I purchased them after realizing some people had said I could only use one, but the both work. I have a few things I like to understand in regards to MIDI implementation and preset editing, I've gotten to used to my K2k, but all in all this thing kick ass for samples, mapping is a breeze, better than anything I've ever used and for the money this thing kicks!

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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Driss
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 13-Jan-00

Top sampler, easy to use, great sound.

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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Fernando
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 13-Jan-00

This samplers is great. I liked the Akai S5000/6000 also but went with this one because it is cheaper, sounds great and the OS is more stable at the moment.

I went with the E5000 Ultra instead of an E6400 Ultra because, for slightly more than the E6400 and the 128-voice polyphony card, I can own 2 samplers with more expansion capabilities, more outputs, more memory (256 MB vs 128 MB) and a backup unit. I plan on buying a second one later in the year.

This sampler is very warm-sounding, transparent and is very stable.


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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Simon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 18-Jan-00

I'm just curious to know how much this sampler costs with all of the expansions??

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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: jdb
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 18-Jan-00

Does the sampler sound cheap, like MIDI files ? or does it sound really cool?

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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Fernando
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 19-Jan-00

Hi jdb,

Check it out for yourself at your local E-mu dealer. If you've heard any of the E-mu Ultra samplers (e6400, E4XT, ESynth, etc.) it sounds exactly like them. All of the Ultra samplers utilize the same ADC's and DAC's. Only your ears can tell you if you like it though.


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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: BILL
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 11-Feb-00


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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: FannieAnnie
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 12-Feb-00

Learnt how to sample on a S3200XL & raaaaa,with EMU u can get goin sreight away-only prob is that it realy needs expanding. Realy love Beat Manager-my days of arsing about with Recycle are over. My heart sunk when I the Yamaha A4000 & A5000 ranges came out. Hope I've made the right desition-think I have.

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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Shawn England
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 16-Feb-00

I just got my 6400 Ultra which is basically an upgraded more expanable version of the 5000. The main difference is that the 6400 is expandable up to 16 outputs (the 5000 can only go up to 12), comes with 16 MB ram instead of 4, and can be upgraded to 128 voice polyphony.
I have only had my machine for a week and I am starting to really get into it. At first I had a little trouble naviaging it but that is probably due to my ASR-10 background (which was great but not NEARLY as deep).
The modulation matrix is simply amazing. You can route anything to anything. The filters are sweet. And once you get the hang of it, it is very logical. The manual is the best I have ever seen. It takes little for granted and reinterates things quite a bit which is good if your short term memory is as bad as mine.
The 6400 is worth every penny. The 5000 is also if you can live with its out of the box specs. The only thing I would really worry about upgrading though is the RAM. 4MB is okay but considering this machines power you will very likely crave more. Besides, RAM is pretty cheap. I personally wanted to have as many outputs as possible but to each is own.
If you get a 5000 (or 6400) you will not be dissapointed.
My only reservation is thier ease of use with a PC. Wav files can only be loaded floppy which is kind of lame. Supposedly EMU will change this. I hope it is soon.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me. I will try to answer any questions you have.

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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Adam
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 29-May-00

The Emulators are the ultimate sampler in quality and programability. The operating system is deceptively simple to use but has the deepest synth engine around. I teach how to use the Emulator(e5000, e4xt, etc) and other gear for a living. I am also a sample library programmer specializing in Eos (emu) and yamaha A4000. If you'd like to learn to use your sampler, other gear, or software, I do on the phone consultations and in person (in so.fla. and I charge very affordable rates. I've had tons of training and experience. I can also help you make good unbiased buying decisions. If you have any quick questions about the Emulator I will answer them for free via email.

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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Adam
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 29-May-00

The Emulators are the ultimate sampler in quality and programability. The operating system is deceptively simple to use but has the deepest synth engine around. I teach how to use the Emulator(e5000, e4xt, etc) and other gear for a living. I am also a sample library programmer specializing in Eos (emu) and yamaha A4000. If you'd like to learn to use your sampler, other gear, or software, I do on the phone consultations and in person (in so.fla. and I charge very affordable rates. I've had tons of training and experience. I can also help you make good unbiased buying decisions. If you have any quick questions about the Emulator I will answer them for free via email. sorry, I forgot my correct email on the first post.

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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Rzo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 30-May-00

I have had my E5000 for about 3 weeks now. The same day I got it, my partner got an MC-80 (haul ass sequencer) and we proceeded to take 5 multitracked songs and "midi-ize" them for a live gig. Sampling on the 5000 was a breeze, and I was amazed at how good things sounded once in the sampler. I put a 64 MB chip in it and only used 17% of it for the gig. I thought 4 outs would be limiting, but to be honest, I havent really needed that many yet... 1 stereo and 2 monos is good for now. This is a wonderful instrument that I have yet to explore in full. Sounds great, and easy to use. Programming in the Roland MC-80 was a different story :)

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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Mr. Bluetunes
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Aug-10

This unit is interesting on different levels; however, i don't find the manual either intuitive or user friendly.
For instance, i have selected a bass patch/voice i like. I want, however, to lengthen the time it takes the a note to decay. Notes fade too quickly and unrealistically for my taste.
So how do i do this? Portions of the manual may as well be in chinese as far as i'm concerned.
So i look up something like voice editing in the index, and it leads to god knows where but not what i want.
Someone please help! I would be very grateful.

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Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Kie
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 07-Sep-11

I need a E5000 manual, any chances you may have one?


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Last added comment

Product:  Emu - E5000
Name: Expert watching
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 09-Mar-19

The E-MU samplers from Emulator-II to Emax original to III (Emax III possibly
the best Sampler compared to Fairlight Series III) not IIx 8 Bit. So here we can
see dollar $ vs $ dollar from 1981-84/1991-1996 up to 2002/3 then e6400, E-64,
into Ultra E6400/5000 the E-Synth to Seriously expensive Ultra E4XT and
Platinum ranges. All which utilised 2x LSI chips, continually wiping Akai,
(Linn MPC60/II excluded) Roland, Yamaha to Korg and Peavy to Simmons
plus numerous experimental samplers, actually are Fully Fledged
Synthesizers too! $4,000-7800.00 in 1998/99 options from Shelf Dram,
upgrades, AES, Adat, 8-16 Ch in expansion in Analog (+4dbu dependent on
Digital use) balancing outputs generously affording huge headroom + 24dBm
32 channel optional Midi. Only the 128 voice count ever stayed solid. No one
required more. E-MU kept the ARP/Sequencer/ trigger/remote (E-MU
Launchpad) to SP and Drumulator EPROMs burn idea, add your own sounds

Continuing phase lock, beat munging, trans-multiplication, fwd/rev/fwd-rev-
Lfo to back/front/bend/patch connect via that tiny LCD virtual screen (Yes
that’s how you create Synth Sounds) multiple ADSR to LFO, VCO, DCO, to 7
differences in self created periodic and a-periodically induced waveform
Resonance! Yes the 1st sampler with Full resonance.

Comments previously written from 2000 and the mould is showing here! A
new 2019/2020 comment in a DAW software world is required!

E-MU lives DAW software can do many things though in 2019 though 20 years
later ...

20 years to near 40 since, the First to Last model Samplers were created E-
MU (Emulator-E4XT Platinum) E-MU are once again hitting a certain Creative
Genre Again as DAW plug ins to Software simply now still cannot infinitely
sample those previously held in esteem creatively sampled sounds in
dedicated hardware with 16 balanced Analog outputs in 1981/2 and in
1999/2003 S/Pdif to Adat, to AES XLR at 20 bits. The TTL to PLL lock perfect
in 2019 no gimmicks really needed.

Have an older E-MU sampler not working? Simply download the schematics
and Board for Board SMT to Drop soldered parts (few) 95% can be swapped
out, changed and your E6400 is working for $130 bucks. Like Analogue 2
Track tape machines good models go for $1000 to medium $400 and junky
trashy units to $150.00 here EOS software is current due to the mass number
of users and great company staff still marveling at designs Dave made 50
years ago are extremely desirable products.

The Term “RTFM” or “Read The F****** Manual” belongs to E-MU Samplers. A
more easy to use intuitive product I doubt has been invented as most
undoubtedly can relate Roland manuals were a technical bibliography in
nightmare and many others OEM companies.

All ... E-MU always had tips to recall events and “Reminder notes”. I think
those whom have previously posted here are owed a debt of gratitude as
many users have taken the old advice stored away. As someone who owns
and has owned near all Samplers E-MU still live coming out on top,
redundancies are not their business. Whilst I’ll leave the speculation to
professional advice to YouTube as that’s what it exists for I will add one last

E-MU as a company alongside the new failing company Ensoniq (no sampler
worked truely tested) became eaten up by Creative Labs at just the time
Gigasampler was going to be the solution? Hmmm just how many sampling
solutions have there been, let alone “cough, splutter, yawn, burp, cough
Sonic Solutions!”

Seems E-MU and staff bailed ship at just the right time. Shame I’d love to see
those vintage Synths back in vogue with all other brands or re-brands,
though remember here Ensoniq got much of its last Gen technology from E-
MU... Transmultiplication anyone?

So the question here? Akai or E-MU? Actually I think that depends on the
person and the music certainly no 16 bit unit gives more beef, punch, thump
or thud via Akai. This is bias perception and an expectation bias at its worst
degree as if Y,Z or X band to DJ to various underground Berlin bands used
Akai or E-MU samplers should You Not Get The Same Result?

It’s a bit like saying your Analog TB303 to SH101 to Jupiter 8 Synth should
sound exactly like the Roland Boutiques. You’re going to get 90% there that
extra 10% is your creativity in sound creations here. Sample don’t use pre
packed waveforms that everyone else has? Be new, daring totally Alive!

Don’t be LoFi as simply your dealing as someone else on a different website!

Grab a few different Microphones of a decent standard SM58-SM7B to EV RE-
20/40/30 or Beyer (tons of models as Ribbons) and your sound sourcing
improvement begins. Remember like Recording the steps in the sampling
chain are critical.

Sampler->Input->Microphone->Editing bit rate->samplerate to Mangeling-
Finally->Outputs… Final Destination! Live or Recorded!

Great to see new Generations DAW Native utilising Samplers.

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