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Behringer MX 1604A


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Behringer MX 1604A

Category:  Products / mixing desks / analog mixers

Added: 30-Jun-00  |  Author: admin

New price: $189 US  |   S/H price: cheap!

Behringer MX 1604A

BEHRINGERr's 12-Channel Mixer.

4 mono + 4 stereo (8) =12 total ... But BEHRINGER claims that this is a 16 channel mixer.

Simple 12 channel mixer, 2 aux sends, 2 alt outs. Hi is 12 khz, mid is 2.5 Khz, low is 60 hz. On each of the mono inputs there is a button to do a 75 hz 18 db/octave low cut. On aux send 1 you can chose pre or post fader. tape sends and returns (via rca) there is a button to have tape return join mix, but no volume control. The actual soud of the BEHRINGER MX1604A is relatiely transparent, and surprisingly clean as long as you arent amplifying a signal a lot. If you turn up trim to far, or even aux returns, this unit gets a lot of hiss. This happens even when nothing is plugged into these jacks.

Wierd Design Flaws
  • The alternate outputs 3/4 Are said to be used to create a monitor mix. However, sending a channel to the alt 3-4 MUTES it from the main outs, however, there is a global switch that makes alt 3/4 come back into the main mix (and have its own fader. You can use this feature for your drums, for instance, if you have 4 drum channels you want to be e.q'd and sent to the effects differently, but still have the aility to control with one fader, you merely select them all to go to alt 3/4 and then have alt 3/4 routed back into the mix. This is really limmiting, however, because you cannot have diffent settings of volume between different channels within the 4 outputs. I'll give you you an example. You are working with a band to do their live sound. The band can easily hear the drums, but is havving trouble hearing the bass and guitar (the cabss are on the ground a 100 feet away, facing the audience.) Now with a well equiped mixer, this would be no problem, you'd just create a mix and a sub mix, The house mix would be mixed so that the audience can hear each instrament clearly, and you would adjust the levels going out to the band's monitor speaker so the guitar and bass are pumped. Easy solution. Now with the 1604 you cant do that because the mix ammount for alt 3/4 is not variable. You'd have to route both the guitar and bass to 2 aux sends (the uitar to one, the bass to the other) and then have these 2 signals come back into the mixer, and have those two channels routed out to the alt 3/4. This eats up both 2 aux sends, and 2 more channels on your mixer. Not a good solution.

  • There is tons of headroom on the main mixer (up to + 20db) but barely any on the inputs. Sometimes, i find you can get a cleaner signal louder if you lower the input volume, and raise the fader value. This isnt cool.

  • Non parametric e.q. With all of these features, I feel that a non parametric e.q. is the greatest lacking featre. Esp. no parametric e.q for bass.

  • Only the xlr outputs are balenced, the 1/4" outputs are not baleneced. Having balenced outputs is a definate plus because you can send you stereo signal to your FOH guy to e.q. and monitor with very little signal loss.

This is a clean mixer if used correctly, and pretty feature packed too. For the price it cant be beat. For an equivilant Mackie, you could easily spend twice as much.


Total channel strips 8
Mono inputs 4
Additional stereo inputs 4
Subgroups 2
Microphone preamps 4
EQ (mono channels) 3-band non-parametric with 75 Hz "lo cut"
EQ (stereo channels) 3-band
Aux Sends 2
Stereo aux returns 2
Channel inserts 0
Talkback mic 0
Phantom power +48 V
Width 11 13/32" (290 mm
Depth 14 1/2" (368 mm)
Height front 1 11/32" (34 mm)
Height rear 3" (76 mm)
Weight 8.6 lbs (3,9 kg)
Manufactured under ISO9000 certified management system

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: Dusty Bin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 09-Jul-00

"3 band param eq on each channel"? That doesnt make any sense. "lack of parametric on bass"? Just like pretty much every other desk ever made then. Look I`m sorry but please dont review equipment if you dont know what youre talking about. And yes I did notice that you mentioned it had no parametric eq later on in the review which contradicted what you had earlier said but you should at least proof-read it! This is supposed to be information for those looking to buy one of these so it should at least be accurate.

The behringers OK really, cheap and cheerful. I`m just not sure if they were built to last.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: -
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Jul-00

the error has been corrected. thank you for noticing

sweepable lo freq cut/boost is NOT uncommon (i refer to it as parametric e.q. for bass )

if you are working for 5.25/hour, and you need a mixer, the behringer line is perfect

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: moonz
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 10-Jul-00

Behringer should be commended for being able to produce such cool products for such low selling prices...I personally think the MX 2004A is the real "jewel in the rough", for $279.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: Breakerbox
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 11-Jul-00

I got mine a week ago for 190$
It is clear as the mackies, except the mic amps but we dont use mics anyways other than that everything is great, i don't think you can get anything better for that much money.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: Xman
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 11-Jul-00

>Behringer should be commended for being able to produce such cool products for such low selling prices

Yeah, put together in Far Eastern sweatshops no doubt. Mackies are made in the US by people being paid a fair wage. Follow your conscience...

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: Kurtz
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 12-Jul-00

I wouldn't make comments like that w/ out info to back it up.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: olafmol
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 13-Jul-00

if there americans that build mackie stuff are the same americans that bombed the worldtrade-center, beat up suspects and spy on the whole world using echelon my concious rather wants a behringer made by far-east people....


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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: josiah
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 13-Jul-00

wow. politics in a mixer review post text thing type of deal. reckon Mackie corporation does um.. background checks? well whatever. so behringer is made in china. that does not mean it's slave labor, categorically & definitively. as far as conscience as a guide to mixer purchasing? a bite odd i'd reckon. reckon what i reckon is the oughta way to find good mixer is by not such method. ok, let's try.. mmmmmmmmm.. ok, my conscience tells me i should buy a british mixer. oh well, what am i to do. does your goat know how to swim? probably not so well.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: ..
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Activity: Professional
Date: 13-Jul-00

I would think that one whoe spoke against buying things made in the "far east" would be racist, typicizing commerce in that area of this fine globe.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: olafmol
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 14-Jul-00

i guess the "Redneck" mackie-adept american tries to say that the quality of behringer gear is below quality....
i have to admit i heard some stories bout behringer mixers blowing up, but the price is also half of a mackie one, and when one does blow, you can exchange it at your dealer.....
i have a behringer mx2004a and i really like it.....no problems at all....


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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: Jasper
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 14-Jul-00

Behringer seem to have their collective fingers on the pulse cos they've addressed all the issues I had with the 1602... ie a mid band - very usefull. tape outs.. again an excellent feature.. that's it! the two things that bugged me are there now.. would have liked mid-swept but bloody hell what do you want for under 200 quid.

just to remind people.. 200 quid would have got you jack-shit 5 years ago.. you don't know your born.

as for the mackie-behringer stuff - like someone said.. ya behringer dies - you get a replacement.. ya mackie dies.. you get a long wait while it's fixed...

three cheers for throwaway electrical manufacturing.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: scott
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Jul-00

The world trade center was bombed by americans? As a protest against the high costs of american-made mixers? :) Whatever. Buy what you need at the price you can afford. I might add that Behringer does claim to have their manufacturing management ISO9000 certified, which does tend to preclude a sweatshop workforce.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: Ison
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-Jul-00

I figure that those detractors would like to buy cheap and cheerfull Behringer.
But they are put off by the Name the cruddy Ear logo and those dire adverts.
Buy what you can afford as when tomorow comes you do not want to be still paying for something that can be had for half the price only better.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: moonz
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 15-Jul-00

I'm not aware of the wages paid to Macke employees...let's hope they are not members of any american labor union...if so, they are probably only working only 15 minutes of every hour...the rest of the time they are gulping down coffee, hiding in the toilet, or just standing around, BSing with fellow employees...fair wages?..huh!!

Macke mixers like everything else in the good old US these days are basically only "assembled" in the united states...most of the components that go into them are manufactured all over the world, including china...take off the top of a Macke mixer and check out the ICs...

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: gs
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 17-Jul-00

i just bought a 2nd hand mx20004 and am thus far mucho happy. it is a fairly similar beast to this one i guess but has 8 mono inputs (with sweapable mids) and 4 stereo (high & low mid). like I could really afford a mackie with the same specs. yay behringer.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: bastiaan
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-Aug-00

I own the 2004 and i must say for what i paid for it i can't see anything come close. The eq on the behringers is fine but not as good (imho) as those on spirits, i think the high especially can sound a bit too sharp when you boost them to much. Even on low trim levels i think they sound a bit harsh or distorted when you try and boost a snare. The sweepable mids are godsend for me (it is my first mixer tho) and help me a lot tidy-ing up my mixes.

The only other con is i finf the faders a bit short and the pots don't feel very sturdy at all. Besides all this it's a great piece of gear for the money. Really it is.


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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: Fernando Restrepo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 03-Jun-02

necesito cotizacion detallada
ademas el precio
y quisiera seber si el nuevo modelo del mixer es mas pequeño?

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Oct-02

I just brought a mix 1604a mixer and i need help on how to use it, is it possible to connect it to my pc i want to learn how to make a track please i really do need some help

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: frabj
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-Oct-02

Yo, try connecting the headphone out on the mixer into the line in on your computer. That is the easiest way to do it assuming you don't have a sound card with multiple inputs and that it does have a line in.

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-Oct-02

There is an article with pictures showing you how in the ARTICLES section - load 'SOUNDCARD ARTICLES' & choose the article: PC SETUPS - STEREO SOUNDCARD

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: daniel saxon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-Nov-07

yah the funny thing with this system is the flaws you should never believe what companys say about their products

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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: diane
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-May-10

How do I hook up the mixer so I can record my songs on the cassette player to my computer?
I also have my stereo amp connected.


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Product:  Behringer - MX 1604A
Name: diane
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-May-10

forgot to add - on my computer connection I have a LINE IN and also DIGITAL connection RCA cord red & white audio.

stereo amp - a cassette tape recorder - the
BEHRingER Eurorack MX 1604A
Ultra Low Noise Design - 16 Channel Mic/ Line Mixer.

How do I hookup the mixer so I can record my music off from the cassette player, & my Stereo Amp - to my computer??
Need answers right away, I'm a busy girl.


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