Articles & Tutorials

Yamaha DB50-XG 1/4 inch output mod

This mod add's 1/4" dedicated outputs to your DB50XG soundcard daughterboard...

OK.......This conversion will get the DB50 out of your system on cool 1/4" Jack cables to go straight to your mixer....

More importantly, it bypasses the soundcards outputs, so your h/d audio is free to be mixed in solo...... You should also see some improvement in the DB50's sound quality like this too !!.....

To attatch the 1/4" sockets to the PC, you can either use an old ISA/PCI slot case blanking panel (the thin metal strips that screw into the case where there is no card present,..... or you could run the cable up to add the sockets to a front panel drive-bay blanking panel !!...... whatever.... you can drill out the case for all care... just take it easy and do a neat tidy job !!.........

There's not alot else to say....... the diagram is fairly obvious.... The pins are all conveniently marked with numbers......If you feel too intimidated by the thought of doing this yourself, simply work out the cable route inside the PC... then take the diagram to an electrical guy to get it done.... shouldn't cost more than a's a 10 minute job to solder this together...... and then a bit more time to fit the cable and sockets to the pc.... but you can do that job, no problem huh......

If you like, you can use a single stereo 1/4" socket... it makes no odd's......OK......


A few points............

  • Use a fine point solder iron... please... don't use some bloody great iron for braizing exhaust pipes !!
  • Make sure the cable is screend, and attatch the earth as shown
  • To further reduce interference, wrap the screened cable in cooking foil, then wrap it well in packing tape..... MAKE SURE NO FOIL IS VISIBLE TO TOUCH OTHER PARTS !!
  • Make sure you use enuff cable..... try a few runs first... check out the intended cable route inside the pc...
  • Once the route is set, and the cable and card installed, fix the cable with ties & peel-off sticky-footed clips if neccessary......
  • Keep the cable away from the video card !!.........

To get rid of the DB50 from your soundcard mix, simply drop it's level to zero in your soundcard s/w mixer..... and th-th-thats all really...... go to it.... be very careful with the solder, make sure no blobs get accidently dropped onto the board elsewhere..... (to help avoid this, you can cut a little window in a sheet of thin cardboard, and do the job thru that, with the main card area masked off...just like performing open heart surgery !!)..... use good quality cable...AND MAKE SURE IT'S SCREENED....YOU DONT WANT TO BE PICKING UP A BUNCH OF CRAP FROM THE PC .....

1/4" Jack sockets can be bought from any electrical shop such as Tandy's/ Radio Shack ... (heh heh.... although it may take them some time to figure out what a 1/4" mono jack socket is exactly !!).....If you wanna get really posh... you can even go all the way to Neutrik Jacks... but er that is maybe a tad of overkill !!.........

Oh yes..... one last thing....the info here is correct...but..... IF YOU FUCK IT UP.... IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM OK !!.... AND OBVIOUSLY, IT INVALIDATES YOUR YAMAHA WARRANTY A TAD !!....... BUT BELIEVE ME IT'LL BE WORTH IT....

Finally. if you have a cheap SB card that the DB50 is seated on, and you're SB is worth alot less than the DB50, you can check out the SB pins that meet the DB50 pins listed above, and solder the cable to those points instead..... Just take out the SB and DB50.... put them on the table, and see which is the pins on the SB that are the ones the DB50 pins are attatched too when the cards are mated together.... then solder to those pins on the SB instead...... Enjoy !!

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Articles / Computer

Added: 12 December 1998

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I just want to give a big thank you for making this information available online!

I used the idea of seperate output from the db50 to link directly to my soundblaster live - so no need for the sound to go through my sonic card then to my live card, i soldered an adapter to plug direct into the cdline in :-)
Works like a dream.

Why did i need do this? well the Aureal / Sonic cards that have the waveblaster compatable header connector for the db50 are the few that use PCI sockets allowing continued life for my much loved DB50 - though these card manufactures dont supply the driver to enable the sound from my db50 with the WIn xp drivers.

A big thank you once again, I am back in business once more!!!

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Yep this works, though i found it better to link the wiring to a internal plug that could plug into the AUX socket of my internal sound card since the analog drivers for the db50 are not available for newer cards like the Vortex 2. Works though. I recently did a mod for the Yamaha XG1000, to allow it to use audio sockets instead of a minjack socket.

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