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new track from ghost b - enjoy!


new track from ghost b - enjoy!
O/P Message 1/19
27-Mar-01 @ 01:07 AM
ghost b
Posts: 290
Link: Link
here's a new track for your listening pleasure....

it's up on DT, and on the mp3 page above...

any comments/criticisms welcome.

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RE: new track from ghost b - enjoy!
Message 2/19
27-Mar-01 @ 03:07 AM
Posts: 12,353
Link: Link
excellent !!!!!!!!

I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!
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RE: new track from ghost b - enjoy!
Message 3/19
27-Mar-01 @ 04:33 AM
Posts: 275
Link: Link
i would have to hear a hifi version.. but the melodic sound that you are using for your chords is rubbing me the wrong way, and i dont think it's the dissonance.. coo effect though.. your drums are rockin.. wanna maybe trade some drum samples? i love the groove.. very funky and easy to bop yer head to. the dissonance is a little much.. like i dunno, a lil overdone if you will.. but hey, that is 100 percent subjective. nice bassline, too. like the sound that comes in at 2:30.. it's kinda a little "over the edge" for my tastes.. like too extreme, not enough subtelties.. but then again this is mucho lo-fi.. will d/l hifi tomarrow from you mp3.cum site. the vocal samples dont seem particularily purposeful, but the atmosphere they bring is cool. at like 4:18, the song is very cool, except i wish the drums were rocking out like they did in the beginning instead of the pedantic beat.. it groves, but it is nothing compared to the beginning.. you should save the best stuff for later. the synth work at like 5:00 is v. good imho. i'd end it 10 seconds earlier.. but that's just me.

good job, keep up the good work


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RE: new track from ghost b - enjoy!
Message 4/19
27-Mar-01 @ 05:24 AM
Posts: 137
Link: Link
Good production ghost b! You've got some
sweet drum samples, and I really noticed the
work you did on the basslines. Good stuff, and
if i may ask, how do you program that "flip/flop"
bass sound on a synth? it's kinda like the mr.
oizo bass sound. I'm guessing lfo that is
messing with either the pitch or cutoff. Do tell
and keep it up bro!

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RE: new track from ghost b - enjoy!
Message 5/19
27-Mar-01 @ 05:28 PM
Defector Z
Posts: 0
Link: Link
Love it! Great groove - good sound, like the feel. It's on repeat and it goes around and around very nicely. Interesting, yet not attention demanding. Can't say anything about the production as it's lo-fi, but it seems to be well arranged, and thoughtfully presented. Very nice. More?

Is that you in the pic?

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RE: new track from ghost b - enjoy!
Message 6/19
27-Mar-01 @ 06:12 PM
ghost b
Posts: 290
Link: Link
thanks to everyone for listening, and for the good feedback...

please please do the download/hi-fi if you like the lo-fi... I put a few incidental sounds and extra drum tracks in there that don't come out so well at 24Kpbs, and they add something....

the drum samples are mostly very layered hits, with 2 or 3 individual samples triggered at once. I copy the midi drum track to a new track, assign a new channel playing the same type of sound, and layer that sound with the original.

Lightyear, the bass is from a novation bass station... I found that if I put a series of notes alternating between 2 different note values, and overlap the end of one with the beginning of another, it flops nicely, kind of like a bend:

note value 1: ---- ---- ----

note value 2: ---- ---- ----

each '----' is one note, not 4 notes...

Now that I think about it, that might be pretty sinister if you only put the two note values 1 or two semitones apart, like maybe just at the end of a measure for a little dip.....

that's the bass from the section starting at 1:50.
the other, faster wobble at the end of the measures between :50 and 1:30 is a very delayed pitch LFO.

hey there dZ, that's my wife and our dog, in the snowy woods of Maryland last winter....

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RE: new track from ghost b - enjoy!
Message 7/19
27-Mar-01 @ 06:14 PM
ghost b
Posts: 290
the note 1 and 2 thing didn't come out so well...

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RE: new track from ghost b - enjoy!
Message 8/19
27-Mar-01 @ 06:15 PM
Defector Z
Posts: 0
Link: Link
Is that a Weimeraner (I can't selpl, srory...) with her?

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RE: new track from ghost b - enjoy!
Message 9/19
27-Mar-01 @ 06:52 PM
Posts: 59
Link: Link
Great track, lofi or hifi

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RE: new track from ghost b - enjoy!
Message 10/19
28-Mar-01 @ 12:01 AM
ghost b
Posts: 290
Link: Link
yes, that's a Weimaraner..... great dogs, but they need a lot of attention while they're young, or they'll take over the house. very intelligent, but stubborn, and they eat ANYTHING. I'm getting pretty good at sticking my hand down her throat.

here's the dog's "eaten" list: $80 cash (2 installments), 100 or so paper towels and napkins, 2 chew toys, 1 KONG toy (we thought she'd met her match with the KONG, but NO), 2g sticky green bud w/ baggie, a washcloth, assorted street garbage, 16oz. assorted chocolates, 40-50 cigarette butts...

it took us a while to figure out that the cigarette butts were missing....

oh, the joy of pet ownership.

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