it's not there DYNACORD SUB 800A CORUS PRO


DYNACORD SUB 800 A CORUS PRO, 15"-Aktiv-Subwoofer (Bandpass), 800W, int. Crossover (Powermax ) and Amplifier with 800 W, XLR in/out, 128dB/max peak, M20- stand accommodation , black finish, SPK in/out, 48kg, Ma¯e: 64h x 43,1b x 66,4t cm, 3 years warrenty
DYNACORD SUB 800 A CORUS PRO, 15"-Aktiv-Subwoofer (Bandpass), 800W, int. Crossover (Powermax ) and Amplifier with 800 W, XLR in/out, 128dB/max peak, M20- stand accommodation , black finish, SPK in/out, 48kg, Ma¯e: 64h x 43,1b x 66,4t cm, 3 years warrenty

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Added: 15 March 2002
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Steve Parsons


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I see this is available by mail order. I have tried to add to cart , but an error keeps appearing. An error near line 7, column 40 cookie.dt_cfid.
See attached, can you advise ??


Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Diagnostic Information

An error occurred while evaluating the expression:


Error near line 7, column 40.

Error resolving parameter COOKIE.DT_CFID

The cookie value DT_CFID was not found in the current template file. The cause of this error is very likely one of the following things:

The name of the cookie variable has been misspelled.
The cookie variable has not yet been created or has timed out.
To set default values for cookie variables you should use the CFPARAM tag (e.g. )

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (#cookie.dt_cfid#), occupying document position (7:39) to (7:54) in the template file C:\httpd\htdocnew\dancetech\aa_dt_new\shop\orders\basket.cfm.

Date/Time: 01/21/03 22:13:49
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
Remote Address:
HTTP Referer:
Query String: carrywith=%2Faa%5Fdt%5Fnew%2Fhardware%2Fitem%2Ecfm%3FThreadid%3D2033%26Lang%3D0

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