it's not there T.AMP TA 550

T.AMP TA 550

T.Amp TA550 Power Amplifier, 2 x 250W 4 Ohm, 2x200W 8 Ohm, Softstart, Damping >250, temperature-contolled fan, Jack + XLR in, Speakon Out, 2HE
T.Amp TA550 Power Amplifier, 2 x 250W 4 Ohm, 2x200W 8 Ohm, Softstart, Damping >250, temperature-contolled fan, Jack + XLR in, Speakon Out, 2HE

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Added: 15 March 2002
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Last added comment

Fred Le |Ted


I bought one of these without a manual and cannot get sound from both speakers with a single input. I can get sound from the left speaker when I plug the input to channel A and from the right when I plug into channel B. I am new to this type of amp - bought it for my club. What am I doing wrong? Using the bridge/stereo switch does not help?

Many thanks,


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