it's not there PEAVEY HISYS 2XT


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Added: 15 March 2002
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Steve Wesley


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We've used these speakers for some time for pub gigs. They deliver ample power with a good range - they lack a little of very high end - but nothing noticable. We use them in conjunction with XT 115 bass bins, giving a compact yet powerful speaker sysytem that can play most pubs and clubs. The 2Xts are well made and nicely covered in the usual black carpet and have survived quite a battering over the last couple of years. We usually bi-amp our speakers using an active crossover, but the 2xt also has an in-built crossover which can be accessed and activated through the left hand carrying handle (make sure you get the correct link cable made up if you are using them in this way). All in all - cheap second hand and give you 700watts per pair.

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