it's not there M-audio RADIUM 61

M-audio RADIUM 61

M-AUDIO RADIUM 61 key MIDI/USB keyboard with 8 knobs and 8 sliders
M-AUDIO RADIUM 61 key MIDI/USB keyboard with 8 knobs and 8 sliders

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Currently: 80%
Total Stars: 4
Total Votes: 1


Added: 13 December 2003
New price: 173.75 UKP - 245.00 Euros
S/H price: ?
Company:  M-audio


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Matt Evans


As a studio tool, its a great midi controller. Install the drivers (twice?), plug it in via USB and away you go. I
use it for triggering samples, composing and sound creation in my studio. Its that good for me in this
environment, I also bought the smaller Radium 49 as an extra.
I'm not sure I would use it live though. I dont it would live for very long on the road??????
I would definately go for a CME unit for that purpose, but here in my studio, it works beautifully.

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